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The no league league

Les the Sarge 9-1

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Sorry Kuni to me a padlock is nothing at Battlefront. It's just policy.

Moon wanted me to stop being so vocal about outside sources, I can relate to that.

I started the thread more as a way of just saying hello. Certainly didn't expect it to be as popular, and I am actually impressed it lacked totally anything negative.

Only hoping to locate anyone that feels either intimidated by the hardcore, or uninterested in the overly structure scene. But that's about the size of it.

I have zero experience in playing in leagues, largely as they don't interest me.

Never been on a ladder, no past background with AREA either.

I will say that SC is shaping up to be my PBEM game of choice though. Although considering I have only played Steel Panthers that way 2 other times, and that sums up my entire past history of PBEM hehe.

I think once I have a few more games under my belt though, I might even take a stab at a TCP/IP game (I think I got those letters correct).

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Sorry Kuni to me a padlock is nothing at Battlefront. It's just policy.

Moon wanted me to stop being so vocal about outside sources, I can relate to that.

I started the thread more as a way of just saying hello. Certainly didn't expect it to be as popular, and I am actually impressed it lacked totally anything negative.

Only hoping to locate anyone that feels either intimidated by the hardcore, or uninterested in the overly structure scene. But that's about the size of it.

I have zero experience in playing in leagues, largely as they don't interest me.

Never been on a ladder, no past background with AREA either.

I will say that SC is shaping up to be my PBEM game of choice though. Although considering I have only played Steel Panthers that way 2 other times, and that sums up my entire past history of PBEM hehe.

I think once I have a few more games under my belt though, I might even take a stab at a TCP/IP game (I think I got those letters correct).

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