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Ryder Cup PBEM Archibald & JerseyJohn


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14 December 1941

Taking advantage in a brief break in the harsh Baltic weather, several Luftflottes batter Riga in the most concentrated airial assault of the war to date. The Attack is brought home by shore bombardment from the Battle Cruiser Gneisnau, and driven home by Panzers and Panzer Grenediers who take the city, opening the way for a break through to liberate the Baltic States.


With the clear weather turning into snow without warning, two armies in heavy winter clothing battle for the ruined streets of the ancient Hanseatic city.

Hitler takes the occasion to chide his generals on his foresight, "Ah, you all thought I was wrong in ordering millions of extra heavy winter uniforms in the Spring, of having our spies learn the secrets of extreme weather anti-freeze and petrol products, but now it is plain for all to see how these are just the very details that make the difference. Why, without these things our brave soldiers would even now be freezing in the Russian snow!"


Belgrade Falls

Yugoslavia is finally conquered, freeing hundreds of thousands of sorely needed support troops, including two Italian armored corps, for the battle in Russia.

Visibly ill, IL Duce leaves a sickbed to be among the first to stride triumphantly into Belgrade.

In Baghdad, reeling from extremely heavy R. A. F. and Free French ground attacks, General Sodom Hoosesane rallies Iraqi's on the outskirts of the city. One foreign journalist describes the general's abilities, "He can be cruel, brutal and depraved at times, but he can also be degenerate and sadistic at other times."


[ September 09, 2003, 05:44 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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11 Jan 42


Baghdad is proving surprisingly difficult to crack. This time the Iraqi corps was battered down to one point. British Empire and Free French forces are beginning to develop a grudging admiration for their arab adversaries.


After an epic defence to the death, Riga has been occupied by the Fascists. An orderly withdrawal has been conducted to a solid line running Odessa-Minsk-due north. Blocking forces have been moved to the coast near Kronstadt to forestall imminent Fascist landings. In another counter attack, the Leningrad garrison has again mauled a Finnish corps to the north of the city.


Yugoslavia falls... Fierce resistance... King Peter II evacuated... Gold reserves... Submarine to Egypt... etc... etc...

[ September 17, 2003, 06:50 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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