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Ryder Cup PBEM Archibald & JerseyJohn


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The government of Neville "Mad Dog" Chamberlain has attacked Ireland on the flimsy pretext that the Irish Government had pro-German sympathies and had refused to accomodate UK convoys.

Emerging from his Dublin bomb shelter, Irish Leader DeValeria said, "No, I'm not surprised, this is the way we've always been treated by the London mob."

Meanwhile, in the British capital, United States Ambassador Joseph Kennedy has lodged a strong written protest with the Chamberlain government.


In battle action off the nations northern coast, the two German U-boat groups have attacked a British BB division identified as the one led by Royal Oak. Despite heavy losses to both sides, the crippled capital ship remains afloat and will doubtlessly make it home for repairs. Meanwhile, the U-boats are no spotted and --surrounded by the British fleet -- there is little hope for their survival.

The Wehrmacht has finished defeating the grossly underated Polish Army, capturing Warsaw and leaving the three surviving corps decimated.


Assured of good treatment for his gallant soldiers in accordance with the Geneva convention, General Smydley Ryes ordered the surrender of his broken army. And with that the Polish campaign has officially ended.

Soviet and German troops meet at the city of Brest-Litovsk, where peace was negotiated 21 years earlier.

With the readjustment of Germany's eastern border, Chancellor Hitler has sent word, unofficially and through Swiss intermediaries, that there is no reason for Germany, England and France to be fighting each other. Germany seeks no further adjustments of it's boundaries and would be willing to agree to a peaceful settlement, avoiding further bloodshed.

Unless the British and French are totally blind they will see that the dark forces of Bolsheivism are even now moving further West, as evidenced by their recent aggression against the Poles!

[ August 20, 2003, 05:37 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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15 Oct 39


Despite having several corps and an air unit intact, the Poles surrendered. Curses. That means only two turns until he hits the Low Countries. Just enough time to finish off the Irish I hope.

His two wolfpacks knocked HMS Royal Oak down to two, but they were destroyed in the Franco--British counter-attack that followed. This frees my fleets up for more interesting tasks.

The Irish have been battered down almost to nothing. He'll have to reinforce next turn or risk losing them and freeing up my air.

[ September 08, 2003, 07:48 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Ireland Forever!

Despite lacking anti-aircraft guns, an airforce and coastal batteries, the Army of Ireland continues to hold Dublin against determined attacks by the Royal Air Force and Navy. Newly trained replacements march past General in Command, William "Hit'em Hard" Hueristic, on their way to Dublin's defenses.


In Germany sad news arrives for Admiral Carl Doenitz as he learns of the not unexpected loss of two thirds of his submarine fleet off the coast of Ireland.


Denmark, Germany's neighbor to the north, announces an unexpected closing of the straits connecting the Baltic and North Seas. The announcement was said to be part of a neutrality program, but the Fuhrer suspected it was really part of a scheme initiated by the British to hinder Norwegian ore shipments to German ports.

And so, as a matter of economic self-defense, Germany Declares War on Denmark, launching air, ground and naval attacks on the capital city of Coppenhagen.

The Battlecruisers Scharnhorst and sister ship Gneisnau lead the German fleet against Denmark's antiquated coastal defenses.


[ August 20, 2003, 08:10 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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12 Nov 39


He almost knocked the Danes out with the first attack, but they survived at strength 1. Encouraging to see that he used an air unit near Berlin instead of moving it within range of Brussels. That leaves him with three air units in range of the LC, including the one he's just built.

The French continue to reinforce the Belgian border, while another attack on Dublin knocks it from eight down to three. The Canadian corps is now in position off Ireland to launch an amphibious landing next turn.

[ September 08, 2003, 07:51 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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"... no such prize" -- !

I was misinformed! :eek:

Glad you're enjoying it, I doubt very much that Archibald will lose his very fine focus, despite me of my best efforts. smile.gif

-- A quote from that great [transplanted] French Grandmaster and one of my favorites, along with "the winner is he who makes the second to last mistake."

[ August 21, 2003, 02:10 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Late November 1939.

A last airstrike and naval bombardment dispatches the last of Denmark's army and infantry of the First Corps march triumphantly through Copenhagen. The Aged King Christian appears publicly to announce the surrender and wish his people well before withdrawing to his private quarters.


Information Minister Goebles quotes His Highness as saying, "The path of Greater Germany and our little country are now linked as one. We must join wholeheartedly with our German brothers in this most noble fight against those who instigated this war and have sworn to destroy us, our mortal enemies, Britain and France!"

Elsewhere, thousands more Sons of the Sod have joined the colors. Dublin's battle hardened defenders dig in with grim determination and eyes trained on the Canadian transports gathered off shore.

Germany has shifted some troops and planes within it's own borders in anticipation of the anticipated Anglo-French invasion.

[ August 21, 2003, 02:58 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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10 Dec 39


My apologies for the delay, but the gestalt entity that is Chamberlain/Daladier/Mackenzie-King was struck down with a throat virus on Thursday morning and has only just begun to recover. :(

Jersey John's playing a cautious Axis. He took Denmark last turn and now must be in position to launch on the Low Countries. Let him come...

The pig headed Irish resistance continues. Even with the landing of the Canadian corps, the Free State Army survived at strength one at the end of this round. At least I'm inflicting enough losses for Ireland to be a net drain on the Axis economy. It'll cost him 42 MMPs to bring the Irish corps up to strength, while it's only generating 16 MMPs for the Axis war effort.

Next turn should see the main war begin in the west.

[ September 08, 2003, 08:01 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Glad to hear my friendly rival has been restored to health and hope he stays that way. smile.gif

7 Jan 1940

Those Brits, they just don't understand, in the Reich it isn't MPPs that we're concerned about, it's people. Naturally we support Ireland's struggle for FREEDOM! from the Oppressive Yoke of it's overbearing neighbor.

Meanwhile in other action, after rejecting several invitations to accept membership in the Kinder Gentler Reich, Belgium and Holland were lovingly invaded and, after briefly debating the issue with the Luftwaffe and Wehrmacht, were granted admission as part of Greater Germany.


[ August 25, 2003, 10:02 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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4 Feb 1940

As I expected, he struck for the Low Countries this turn and took it without trouble. He also attacked me in the Ardennnes and knocked an army down to eight.

He didn't advance troops in to the west and south of Brussels, but I declined the opportunity of advancing and losing my entrenchment values and am sitting tight and gaining strength.

The French Navy break out from the Channel and begin bombarding the Wehrmacht in the Low Countries. A panzer group is knocked down to eight, while an army is knocked down to nine. My northernmost Maginot garrison also launches a spoiling attack and knocks another army down to eight.

Good news in Ireland. With the destruction of the Guinness distillery by Princess Pat's Canadian Light Infantry, Irish resistance has collapsed. Unless Germany intervenes there is nothing to stop the Canadians marching in and re-imposing direct rule from Westminster.

Canada is proud that she has been the first (loyal) dominion to fight and is proud to be continuing her hallowed tradition of crushing unruly Fenians.


[ September 08, 2003, 08:01 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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The Civilized World is shocked by tales of atrocities being committed by crazed and unruly Canadians in their push upon Bloody Dublin.


Meanwhile the German High Command dicides the best course in the West is to totally ignore the French coastal attacks and instead concentrates on destroying the French Armies.


It's units reinforced, the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe pound the First French Army till it ceases to exist as a fighting force, leaving the vacated region open for the next enemy unit to be sacrificed in it's defense.


[ August 25, 2003, 02:20 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Truly wonderful and exciting AAR,guys,a great read!

And though JerseyJohn may win the prize for the best posting in Rydercup AAR's,I say :'Come on Archibald,Europe's fate and future are in your hands,slay these godless Americans! :D

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17 Mar 40

Dublin has fallen. A recce platoon of the Rocky Mountain Rangers raised the Union Flag over the GPO in a symbolic ending of the conflict. A few days later in an emotional ceremony the garrison of Dublin Castle surrendered and the first British governor for 19 years installed.

Pathe News caught the lowering of the Irish tricolour on newsreel and it has played to applause throughout the Empire; especially Canada.


On the western front the Germans advance into the vacant hexes south and west of Brussels and destroy an entrenched French army. It took all five Luftflotten to do it though.

Undaunted the French and Canadians counter attack into Flanders and in the course of a fierce battle destroy a German Army. Elsewhere, German armies in the front line are knocked down in strength. On the North Sea Coast the French Navy keep pounding and knocking down German units.

Honours are even so far... France is fighting in the spirit of 1914!:


[ September 08, 2003, 08:03 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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"I find it quite baffling, Eleanor, that this fellow Kurt88 is rooting against someone named JerseyJohn, who is leading the Axis Forces. Meanwhile he is also rooting against us Americans. As I understand it, we are neither in, nor even sympathetic to, the Axis, correct?"

"Yes lovey, I'm confused as well. It all has something to do with the Ryder Cup, which is no longer a golf tournament but some sort of violent team conflict."

"The Ryder Cup turned into a bloody battle -- isn't there enough blood letting during the primaries? I'm calling Averill Harriman, that man knows everything, he'll fill us in."

Kurt Glad you're enjoying it. Distraught at word of my adversaries ill health, I lowered my guard -- not that I'm using that as an excuse, mind you -- and now he's destroying my armies and posting better pictures than myself! Guess I'm too sensitive for things like world conquest! smile.gif

Off to find my elusive courage and then to see what disaster is lurking in the e-mail.

[ August 27, 2003, 05:19 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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31 March 1940

After extensive Luftwaffe preparation, German infantry smashes a corps of French defenders to open a breach used by more infantry and Panzer Group Guderian to destroy the First Canadian Army.

With Flanders secured, German forces strike south and east, moving behind the well entrenched Second French Army, which in turn is attacked by Panzer Group Hoth operating in the Belgian Ardennes.

Panzer Generals "Hurrying Heinz" Guderian and Hermann Hoth.


Though still far from Paris, the most forward elements have begun passing signs pointing the way to French Capital.

[ August 25, 2003, 10:31 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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14 Apr 40

A black week for the allies. In two crushing blows the Axis knock out a French corps and the Canadian Army:


Prime Minister Mackenzie-King's mother tells him via a medium that it is the worst day in Canadian history. Mackenzie-King agrees. Unknown to his departed mother, he has just been made privy to the fact that the Wehrmacht now have six positively ID'd airfleets.

Guderian's panzergruppe drives within a few hexes of Paris and the French counter attack with the support of the RAF in the hope of a second "Miracle of the Marne". With a supreme effort, Guderian's command is destroyed. There is still however a gaping hole within a few hexes of Paris ready for the next wave of Germans to pour into.

The ensuing recriminations in the allied camp sees the collapse of both Chamberlain's and Daladier's governments. Paul Reynaud and Winston Churchill now lead the allied camp:


The French Navy and army continue to attrite the attackers from the Channel Coast and the Maginot Line, but these are only local successes. Germany now holds the initiative in the Battle of France.

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( Love that cartoon with the V's for Victory! )

28 April 1940

The Wehrmacht breaks through the Ardennes, destroying a newly transferred French Army before swinging south, bagging a second French Army while occupying the county's rich mining region. Inteligence reports the destroyed French units to be the 2nd and 4th Armies.


The new plan shifted the offensive away from the coast, avoiding the naval bombardments which have already inflicted so much damage, moving North of Paris while driving a wedge to the southeast, between the Maginot Line and the capital.


The rivised plan was suggested by Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goering, who complained that his aircrews were being pushed to the limit in the long flights to and from Flanders. A not unexpected advantage was the gaining of absolute air supremecy over the entire front of some 200 miles!

Generaloberst Braughtisch is said to have ordered the offensive under protest, claiming the morale of his front line troops had been sapped by high casualties and the recent decimation of an entire Panzer Group.

The Fuhrer countered that the time to strike was now, before the French could settle into their new positions, and the offensive was hurriedly put together by generals von Manstein for the army and von Richtoffen for the air force.

As German troops cut through the pulverized French defenses and neared the Swiss border, Hitler and his highest generals passed overhead to view the seemingly endless columns of French war prisoners marching north. Beside himself with joy, he said, "Tell me gentlemen, whose morale do you suppose is sagging now?"

Returning to Berlin he refused the resignation tendered by Chief of Staff von Brauchtish. "The Reich cannot indulge such self-serving whims on the part of it's commanding generals. You Prussians are skilled professionals, but unfortunately you are also gentlemen. Once in a while you must be shook by the lapels and made to see things through the eyes of the fighting soldiers, the men in the lines who you have never given enough credit to!"

After Hitler had left the room von Manstein quipped, "Yes, gentlemen, we must see things through the eys of a corporal!"

Elsewhere, Generals von Leeb and Guderian are said to be in good condition recuperating from wounds received in battle. The Fuhrer personally decorated each of them with oakleaves to the Iron Cross.

He engageed in long conversations and assured them that the high price paid by their commands was not in vain. "It is hard for fighting men like ourselves to lie still in a hospital while our countrymen carry on the fight. But your lives are not your own, gentlemen. You owe it not only to yourselves and your families to regain full health, but also to the German Reich. Brave commanders of your calibre are always in short supply, and Germany will need all it's generals for the battles to come."

Across the Atlantic, Irish Prime Minister DeValeria arrived in Boston amid a hero's welcome.

[ August 27, 2003, 04:21 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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12 May 40


Another devastating shock to French elan. A further two French armies destroyed. With great reluctance, the abandonment of the Maginot Line is ordered and a new line formed on Paris ahead of the advancing Wehrmacht.

The usual harrying of units and ports on the Channel Coast continues, but otherwise this is a quiet period of preparing for the next German onslaught.

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Full of confidence after the Fuhrer's refusal to accept his resignation, Fieldmarshal Walther von Brauchitsch flies to northern France for a conference with his Army Group Commanders, Geraloberst von Rundstedt and von Bock.


His former malaise totally vanished, he orders that the advance be continued even with understrength units.

"We must remain on the quarry as close as possible, encourage their counter-attack if possible, and establish ourselves on the very outskirts of Paris. The impregnable Maginot Line has fallen onto our laps as a gift , gentlemen, abandoned by it's defenders. We must learn to see things in a new way. You are fine professionals, but I've noticed something with you Rundstedt, and you too, Bock, that you have consistantly underestimated the ability of the ordinary soldier in the line. The enlisted men. The sergeants and corporals who are the backbone of our army!"

And with those words, followed by a smart click of the heels, he left the room for the return trip to Berlin.

Bock glanced quizically at the door, then at Rundstedt, "Have you got any idea what he was talking about?"

Rundstedt wiped his monacle along his sleeve, "Either he wants us to go about asking advice from the ranks, or he's saying we must learn to think like that corporal in Berlin."

Bock straightened, flustered, and reached for his cap, "I will do neither of those things!"

"No point being disturbed over it my good man, of course seeking guidance from the ranks is absurd and out of the question. As for thinking like our commanding corporal, I don't believe either of us is mad, so that is equally out of the question."

[ August 28, 2003, 01:18 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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9 Jun 40

It's been a strangely quiet month for France as she readied herself for the next German assault. Once again, other than small attacks in the south, the Germans have kept their distance. The French Army used the time to consolidate the line centred on Paris.

GQG assess that the Germans have decided that their "Blitzkrieg" doctrine has proved too expensive for them, and that they have changed their strategy to a more methodical and certain one based on French military doctrine.

To no one's surprise, the Italians have joined the Axis cause in the hope of easy conquests. Mussolini doesn't realise what he's in for:


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Late June 1940


The Luftflottes complete their transfer to Eastern France while preparing for what promises to be the Final Battle of the campaign. Meanwhile the line is extended south with two armies of maximum stregnth brought in to face the well fortified Paris Garrison. Goering boasts that the sky over the French Capital will be filled with Luftwaffe bombers blotting out the sun. When German soldiers next see the sun it will be their signal to march through a city of the dead, turned to rubble.

Italy advances in the South and Mussolini marches through Marseilles and Toulon.

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23 Jun 40

He's taking no chances at all. Another quiet period while he comes up to my entrenched line of French corps running north-south through Paris from the Channel Coast to the Massif Central. Off Belgium, the French Navy batters Antwerp's port facilities down to zero.

I think he plans to throw everything at Paris and try and end the Battle of France with one stroke.

Let them come! France is ready! Ils ne passeront pas!


[ August 29, 2003, 01:06 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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End of June 1940

In a speech to the Nazi Party carried by radio across the Greater Reich, Ministry of Information Chief Joseph Goebels proclaims . . ..


"In an effort to spare the city of Paris from the utter annihilation promised by Reichsmarshal Goering, Germany's gallant warriors have initiated a sweeping offensive along the southern outskirts of the French capital. One corps has been crushed and another decimated to ineffectiveness. The remaining Franch Army has been cut in two.

"France has no strategic reserve and cannot couterattack. The Paris garrison has been outflanked and is nearly surrounded. The victorious soldiers of the Reich implore their brave and badly used adversaries to leave their flimsy defenses and surrender to the Wehrmacht. They will be well treated in accordance with the Geneva Convention. OKH shall withdraw this generous offer in twenty-four hours. After that the Paris defenders, victims of their inept leaders folly, will be subject to the mercies of battle."

In other actions, the Italian fleet has launched an attack against the French Aimen stationed at Malta while their submarines have sent 5 MPPs of allied shipping to the bottom.

[ August 29, 2003, 07:32 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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7 Jul 40


Using the very last of her reserves France counter attacks once more. This time Hoth's panzergruppe, which has broken through south west of Paris, is knocked down from full strength to eight.

The naval interdiction of Antwerp continues, while in the south the French Air Force attacks the Andrea Doria and knocks the pride of the Regia Marina from eight down to five. We do not intend to be a passive gunnery target.

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