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Spain and Turkey


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Greetings everyone! Lets get straight to business. for some strange reason Spain and Turkey doesn't want to join me when playing Axis, even after taking USSR and England. Not that I need them at this stage I would have preferred them to enter the war earlier. The difficulty is default.

I hope somebody can help me out.

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I have the same question.

What motivates Spain and Turkey to join the Axis?

What can the Axis do to increase the chance of either or both joining?

What does Axis do that decreases chance?

Same questions (if aplicable) for the Allies?

Anyone's thoughts on this would be welcome!

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The times I've had Spain join me were only when I succeeded at Sea Lion (typically they join the turn I take London, regardless of whether or not Britian has surrendered).

Turkey has only joined me once, and I know it was after taking London, but not sure if it was before the Russians declared war on Germany.

It would be very nice to be able to guage minor country leanings (as you can the majors). Perhaps when you click on the flag have it displayed alongside their resource strengths?


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This topic has been discussed before.

Minors do not actually have leanings as Hubert explained in that thread, but are completely and whole based on trigger events.

Therefore it is not possible to shown leanings for minors with the current model...

Sorry to squash your hopes and dreams :rolleyes:

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Minors do not actually have leanings as Hubert explained in that thread, but are completely and whole based on trigger events.

Therefore it is not possible to shown leanings for minors with the current model...

These triggers involved a calculation don't they? I've seen the Balkan minors join at different times, sometimes on turns were nothing significant occurred, so it seems odd to suggest they're set in stone and there isn't a propensity that can be displayed. The date and terroritory conquered definitely seems to have an impact, but I haven't discerned that by accomplishing X and Y by Z date means that Hungary, for example, will be triggered everytime to join the Axis. Have you? If so, can you shed light on X, Y, and Z? I know that attacking Spain reduces the chance that the Balkan nations will join me, but is this a reduction in likelihood, or does it completely preclude Balkan allies? If so, couldn't that be displayed?

Finally, if that is the case, wouldn't the accomplishment of X, and the approach of Z, and least be recognizable as an increase in the likelihood of a minor joining? Even if there are hard coded triggers, achieving those conditions incrementally can be evaluated as percentage of the total triggers needed.

I completely understand Mission Creep with respect to writing software, and would rather have the game in my hands than be waiting for Hubert to be ironing out bugs in another feature. However, the purpose of the this forum is to share our experiences and suggestions with each other, and most importantly the individuals like Hubert who have the wherewithal to make them happen.


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Don't know if this will help or not. I played one game where I was not at war with USSR yet and I began the invasion of England. As soon as my troops landed Spain and Turkey declared war on the allies. A second time I had already defeated Russia, then began the invasion of England. In that instance Spain and Turkey did NOT declare war. So, my thought is you have to invade England before or during your war with Russia. Hope this helps!

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From my experience Spain will join if Sea Lion occurs (and at least partially) succeeds before you're at war with Russia. Franco had a much higher level of respect for the strength of Soviet arms than did most everyone else in Europe. I've never had Turkey join me, even when I rampaged through everyone quickly.

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Took my first peek at the Campaign Editor, and it raised again in my mind these questions. If we are to construct alternative histories (for example an invasion of Russia in '42 after Stalin had demonstrated his designs on the Balkans more forcefully) it would help to understand what swings the minors. It appears their propensity to join cannot be examined in the Editor, but understanding what drives them would help in the creation of balanced campaigns.

If I have a game starting in '42 where Russia starts invading Romania, how does this impact Finland, Turkey, Hungary, Spain, and Bulgaria? Will they automatically join the Axis? Will Yugoslavia automatically flip to the Allies? Will they be less inclined to do so?


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