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German AI takes Cairo, Finally It Happens

Edwin P.

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Just completed a game as Allies at +1.

The German AI landed a transport with an Army(after waiting off the shores of an Italian occupied Malta for many many turns) at Tobruk and walked over land to take Cairo (which I had left undefended).

Then the AI being, not too intelligent, stopped at Cairo and did not move the remaining few hexes to tax the Suez canal and its port.

PS: The Italian units in Tobruk never left its starting location, even after I withdrew all British units from the Med.

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Maybe they're afraid you'll return and be ticked off!

Reminds me of COS where, though the AI was quick to jump on an opportunity, it usually did it by sea if possible. With Beirut open and units in Alexandria, it would never just roll one around the corner, making a left turn to walk in, no, it would always attempt to take it by sea.

One good thing, at least we're not worrying about the Terminator scenario, unless they're just trying to give us a false sense of confidence. :eek:

[ March 16, 2003, 06:15 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I remeber for some reason not learning to do transportation in COS. Though I still won every game and in many of my other WW2 sims like it...as N.Africa was always a sideshow anyways and waste of resources...Especially for the immediate goals of the Axis

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Played a game against the AI with FOW on the other day and it moved the German Fleet down to Brest after France and Denmark surrendered. Most unusual. They surprised me when I went into bombard the city.

This is the first time that I saw the AI move the German fleet that early in the game.

Naturally, once at Brest the Navy just stayed there even though the Germans knew that the Allied Navy was elsewhere (Med and Baltic). No attempt by the German subs to interdict convoy routes.

Perhaps the Axis Naval AI needs a way to track the number of allied ships destroyed vs the original starting number and the presence of others by zone (Med,Baltic Sea,Atlantic, etc) to guide the movements of the Axis Naval Units.

[ May 18, 2003, 07:25 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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