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As a new member, forgive me if I ask a question or two that may have already been on this forum.

First, I wonder if CM HQ will ever be up-dated to include new mods, I know there are lots of mods out there, and if there is any reason why the majority of them do not seem to be written for CMMOS. I have just spent quite a lot of time altering CMAK mods so that they will work with CMMOS.



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No, sorry - 'twas not I. However, in most cases, it is quite easy to 'convert' stuff. I have produced a few mods as well, but never got round to uploading 'em to anywhere. If you want, I can send you the Allied tanks for CMAK that I have converted.



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Thanks bob48, wait till cmmods is back up and upload the mod for everyone.

Someone in the cmmods forum was telling MikeT that they could do a convertion rather quickly.

The instructions are rather daunting for me.

I'd rather use McMMM for most mod swapping or just install a mod permanently.

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Yes, sorry, did not make that very clear did I?

Hope he comes through OK, I understand he has more important things to cope with, and I'm sure we all wish him well. His site is just so good you kinda miss it when its off line.



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