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This basic set up that works for me (SC Edit)


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September 3rd, 1939.

Against the human or AI:

1. Bump ANTI-TANK Tech for Germany to 1 (represents STORM TROOP discovery of First World War AND mobile infanty tactics.)

2. Give the US 1000 points to start when they come into the war. Not enough historically, I know, but if you give the US too much, they can launch D-Day (and hold) in early 42.

3. Give France 200, England 200, Italy 100 and Germany 300 to start.

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Originally posted by Potvin:

1. Bump ANTI-TANK Tech for Germany to 1 (represents STORM TROOP discovery of First World War AND mobile infanty tactics.)

I think superior HQ's are better for representing superior tactics. (Perhaps add an additional high quality German HQ? Someone suggested that elsewhere, but you would need to balance this out with something on the French side.)

On the other hand, I would conceed that German infantry was far better equipped than French or Russian Infantry from the start of the game. French anti tank weapons were not only poor, they were not operational due to lack of adequate maintance of both guns and ammo.

Perhapps French Infantry should start the game at strength 8 to represent the poor status of their equipment. But, then you would have to figure out how to balance the cards...

I guess we could reduce the strength of the French Armies to 8, add a French HQ and half a French Tank Group, and. for the Germans add Von Kluge. Does that make sense to you?

If we do that,I have the feeling the Germans must attack France in December 1939. If they wait until 1940 the French will have enough troops to prevent any maneuvering. And it would become a very painfull campaign of attrition, which the Axis cannot afford.

Any way, I will try it and let you know.

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