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Hey you, yes you, geek!

Lucky zebra

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Hey whoever locked up my proporsition post, why did you do that?! I know you probably are some kind of a sparetime-nazi strolling around in jackboots asking your nonexistant wife to give you a good spanking. But wanna know something?! This is not the third riche! This is the bf forum where you should be allowed to express your opinion. And yes, the post was related to sc! Pencilneck! :mad:

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Posted by Lucky Zebra: Hey whoever locked up my proporsition post, why did you do that?! I know you probably are some kind of a sparetime-nazi strolling around in jackboots asking your nonexistant wife to give you a good spanking. But wanna know something?! This is not the third riche! This is the bf forum where you should be allowed to express your opinion. And yes, the post was related to sc! Pencilneck!

I see a banning in the near future. Damn newbies........

Comrade Trapp

[ August 05, 2003, 06:55 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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