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Request for a mini-update: Save-Procedure


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I know that there will be no further patches. But as the first member of my new founded "believe it or not-club" i ignore Huberts declaration and ask for a little and probably easy to build mini-update:

If i want to save, i have always to use the backspace-key to delete the offered save-game name. :mad:

I would like to see

a) the offered file name markered , so that the next entered letter the offered and not wanted save-game name deletes;

B) the save-game LIST. This way i could pick a saved game to overwrite or to delete etc.

I wonder why these standard functions were never impleted after so many updates.

My only explanation is that everyone here is so very addiced to the running game that no one ever saves while playing against the AI, or at least plays so extremly long ("Is this the dawn? Oh please, let i be the dusk, PLEASE! Why are all these birds starting to sing? Stop, you stupid birds! WAAH, only three hours sleep left before i have to go to work again? NOOOO!") that he is simply too tired to be annoyed ("hurry, hurry, to bed, to bed, only two hours and 58 minutes left. Doomed, i'm doomed").


[ July 19, 2003, 03:13 PM: Message edited by: xwormwood ]

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LMAO...been there before Lol.

I'd rather see an incrementor.

I use this file convention when playing PBEM


Where Xxx is First 3 initials of Axis player

Where Yyy is first 3 initials of allies Player

Where Zzz is Turn number

I'd like to see the turn number at the end increment. But it's not that big a deal0 either way.

WHAT I'd really like to see is the PBEM files get saved in a Compressed format!!!! Now that would rock.

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