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I've been playing the demo (the old one and the gold demo once it came out) for a few weeks and lurking here. Mostly, I've been trying to master sealion so I'll be able to focus on russia once I have the full version (ordered about as soon as the order page came up). something occurred to me though.

Why do I have to capture Paris? As I recall, in the actual war the French declared Paris an open city and the war was basically over by the time the German army got there. It would seem that breaching the defenses along the Belgian border and flanking the Maginot line was enough.

It seems with a couple of stubborn French units in and around Paris I'm delayed a couple of turns until I can maneuver sufficient forces to surround the city and be able to knock out the corps defending in one turn (else it gets reinforced back to full strength) and still move one unit into the city. This didn't used to be much of a problem until air units got less effective with the gold demo.

Taking Paris, and thus France, throws the whole schedule off. Once I've redeployed for Sealion, landed and bottled the Brits up at Manchester for the final blow, the Americans and Russians decide to butt in and the demo ends. I really need to be redeployed for the Russians, at least.


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I agree with respect to the historical side. Still, I can't see of any alternative in game terms. Ideally, we should be able to cut off the bulk of French, Belgish and British units in Belgium, and then they surrender ... but that simply can't be simulated on that scale. So I think taking Paris is still the best candidate for a condition of surrender.


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