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I have made two mods for SC with a special fog of war + one "1915-1918" mod playable vs IA, + new unit's icons 39-45

The first fog of war mod masks ennemy experience, ennemy strengheven in contact

The second masks experience, strengh and...units themselves ! You are exactly in the same situation of a headquertar in war : You see only your own units and the line of front ; you ask permanently : what are they doing ? What do they prepare ?

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Aren't you maybe hiding too much info ? After all even HQ get feedback. A 5 str unit certainly is different from a fresh 12 str unit.

Experience might be wrong or a bit off ... but not completely hidden. Its strategic command... not tactical command. I venture that a lot of information was available to HQs during wars about the disposition and experience of various enemy formations.

Tech Issue... is it a stable mod ? What about other aspects of Fog of War like planes ?

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I know SC is a strategic game...But the fow exist at this scale.

There are 3 levels of fow in my fow_mod :

- total fow ( no ennemy unit is seen and no information about : you juste see the front line...: you don't see ennemy concentrations forces and you can have some very bad surprises, like "crazy adolf" in Stalingrad : the IA is more challenging with this mods.

-intermediary fow :( you can't see these ennemy units : submarines, HQ, planes and you have no informations about)

-light fow( but more than game base) : you see all ennemy units but you d'ont see their strengh and their experience.

The mod is stable and I have lots of others "original" and stables mods : 1521 Lépante( Spanish vc Ottoman empire), 1916-1918, Rise of Rome, 1870 Européan War(What if ?), Napoléon vs Europa.

Some ares translated in english, others not (readme written in french)

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