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AAR Kuniworth vs Sven


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Connection was lost, but we are in march 1940: My first game against a human and Im losing badly.



Sep 3, 1939


Fall Weiss commences with 3rd army attacking from eastprussia in the back of the polish frontal defence. Panzer-korps smashes central defence and reach outskirts of Warzaw.


Germany attacks Denmark. The danish capitol however puttin up fierce resistance.

Sep 15, 1939


Allies replies swiftly to the german aggression and attacks the low country in hope to put up defence along the Dyle river. Brussels are under heavy attack but the belgians refuse to surrender.

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October 1, 1939


The polish defenders have formed a second line of defence with warsaw in the center. Wehrmacht smashes defence and destroys Warsaw garrison. Order from Hitler to destroy enemy forces is followed instead of capturin the capitol. Meanwhile Krakow Korps launches a counter-offensive in direction of Vienna.


Danish resistance collapse. Surrenderin to Germany.


German forces rush to aid the hard pressed forces of the Netherlands and Belgium.

Oct 15, 1939


Polish advance on Vienna continue.


Air attacks against Brussels. Massive french attacks against the city by 1st, 2nd armies supported by XXI corps are unsuccesful.


French fleets attacks subs

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(axis)Oct 29, 1939


Modlin-korps retreats and reach pripet-marsches before destrooyed. Polish resistance finally collapses and surrender follows. USSR occupies eastern Poland.


German attacks led by Fieldmarshal Fedor von Bock hits 2nd French army hard. Allied assault on Brussels yields for a moment.


Wolf-pack u-29 sunk.


Allied forces attacks german surfacefleet: Scharnhorst sunk. British fleets hit hard.

(allied) NOV 12, 1939


Wolf-pack u-30 sunk by french forces.


2nd french army retreats. Airattacks continue on Brussels. English BEF arrives at the front.

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(axis) Nov 20, 1939


Royal Oak sunk.


U-29 severly damages british pride the HOOD.


2nd french army destroyed. German 7th panzer division under Rommel leads german offensive through the ardennes!!! Brussels finally relieved.

(allied) Dec 10, 1939


u-29 sunk by destroyers surrounding task force; HOOD.


British retreats.


Panzers bleedin in the forests of the ardennes

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(axis) January 7, 1940

Italy joins the axis-side. France will surely be under pressure now.


Italian forces immediately launces offensive into southern France capturin Marseille.


British and french blocade of Italian fleet. Attempts made to try and breakin it. Success very limited to say the least.

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March 3, 1940 (axis)


The pressure on allied forces is mountin every hour. Surely a breakthrough must come any day now.


Italians strikes back(at last). But the battle is not lookin very well.

Mid march 1940 (allied move;)


Surface-fleet tryin to hit axis units near the coast. Limited success.


Vittorio Veneto sunk.

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I consider this game as lost. Sven's aggressive play surprised me a lot and got me into situation I never encountered against the AI. In Poland I could have done better. And I should have smashed the allied defenceline in the Lowcountries much more earlier.

My biggest mistake however was the debacle at Taranto. Because of the fog of War I never saw the eastern fleet-unit in the british-french blocade so my sub ran into an ambush. And then I hessitated if I should retreat or attack. All in all it was awful. I damaged a british BB and carrier but couldnt sink a ship. Disaster....

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Dear Kuniworth,

it wasn't that bad. In my first game against an human I was much worser than you. I think you were pretty good. Sure you had some problems to capture France early but you still could win the game. The Allies had not much MPPs left.

I enjoyed the game very much and I learned a lot. Thank you for the game.


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If you're the Axis (or am I missing something) and you're okay in France but lost the Italian fleet, you're not in such bad shape. Italy's navy, in the long run, doesn't decide much. I had a similar IP game, lost the Italian Navy at Taranto, and ended up in good shape.

Keep Plugging.


Nice and aggressive. :D

Immediately upon posting I saw it was all over, so I guess my advice to Kuni is no longer valid.

[ January 11, 2003, 09:14 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Well I suspected that your aggressiveness would have turned you a little weak. Your atlantic fleets must have been pretty damaged. Hood was down to 4, a carrier almost wiped out in the battle of Jutland and Royal Oak sunk. Im happy with the atlantic battles.

However, the battle of Ardennes made me frustrated when I never could breakthrough. I think the best thing to do when you get a stallmate is to regroup, take your time and hit hard. I just scratched your troops and got into an unnecessary battle of attrition.

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After my Taranto fiasco, which as I said was similar to yours, I automatically assume the Allies are out to sink Italy first priority and pull it's ships all the way back to Trieste in the northern Adriatic. Try supporting it with some air units and make the Allies come to you; they'll be low on supplies and you'll fare better.

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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:


If you're the Axis (or am I missing something) and you're okay in France but lost the Italian fleet, you're not in such bad shape. Italy's navy, in the long run, doesn't decide much. I had a similar IP game, lost the Italian Navy at Taranto, and ended up in good shape.


Well I dnt lose any ground units but Taranto was such a massacre, so the Med seem totally lost..
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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:


After my Taranto fiasco, which as I said was similar to yours, I automatically assume the Allies are out to sink Italy first priority and pull it's ships all the way back to Trieste in the northern Adriatic. Try supporting it with some air units and make the Allies come to you; they'll be low on supplies and you'll fare better.

But is it worth operating airfleets for so much MMP:s to win near trieste? Oh well I thought of that but got careless. I think Ill try that someday.
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Right, I felt the same way. Then I figured if all the Allied fleets were in the Mediteranean what was covering England? I massed Luftflottes along the channel coast, sent some corps out, screened it with my small German fleet and had an instant Sea Lion. Within a few months the UK fell. The Italian fleet hadn't gone under for nothing! smile.gif

[ January 11, 2003, 09:25 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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The Allis fleet was really damaged but one carrier was repaired and another was reinforced to strength 7. I think one German air fleet was lost right before the connection was lost. That hits the Axis hard because no Allied ai fleet was lost.

If an Allied player plays smart you will loose your feelt for sure. You can only make a blockade to defend the bBaltic sea. That helps you to attack Sweden. There is one hex between Danemark and Sweden which can be defended by one ship. If this is damaged another German ship can defend the hex until the first is repaired.

The Italian fleet is almost lost if the Allies are going for it. This hits you hard in my opinion.

But most important for Axis is to capture Paris as early as possible. To destroy this strategy Allies should declare war on Lowlands which avoids any MPPs from plundering for Axis even if France cannot get the Lowlands. You have two possibilities. As Axis you can attack through Italy or you can attack a special hex south-east of Brussels with all your units. Or you go for Norway and Sweden with some units after getting Poland.

I would go for Norway and Sweden and with this points I would buy a new air fleet to attack France. You also get more MPPs a turn with this countries.


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Right, I felt the same way. Then I figured if all the Allied fleets were in the Mediteranean what was covering England? I massed Luftflottes along the channel coast, sent some corps out, screened it with my small German fleet and had an instant Sea Lion. Within a few months the UK fell. The Italian fleet hadn't gone under for nothing! [smile]

I had two air fleets, one corps and three ships covering England. And some reinforcements were just arriving so Germany had no chance to attack England. I got enough MPPs to buy a chorps each turn and the German fleet was damaged.


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Sounds good and also sensible. In the game I was discussing my opponent was also invading the Balkans and I identified his three aircraft carriers being in the Med. The Italian fleet had no chance, but the reason was too much had been directed against it.

You did it the right way, covering England.

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