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FOW OFF battle.


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Anyone agree with me that playing with FOW OFF is actually harder vs antoher human?

The game becomes a big chess match.

You have to cover ALL your territory, unlike with FOW ON where you can make calculated "risks" and leave some wholes somewhat open.

And hardest of all you have to figure out a way to lure your opponent into danger even though he is seeing your every moves.


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Well turning FOW off sure makes a lot of them gambits hard to play now don't it hehe.

But even still, in this particular game, I enjoy the lack of knowing where your stuff is.

What's the point of using a computer, if you don't exploit its only true perk?

When I first saw SC, I thought hey finally Third Reich on a computer blah blah blah. Ok it isn't Third Reich.

But one of the problems of a board game is not having any way of surprising your opponent.

If you think those gambits are annoying in SC, you haven't tried to break the perfect set up in Third Reich before.

For instance, there just isn't any point to where you put your Poles on turn 1 in Third Reich. A skilled player is going to hit the capital on turn 1 and take it no matter what you do.

There is only so much you can do with the counters, and the opponent can see the whole thing regardless.

The only thing a German player needs to fear is a 2-1 on Warsaw going into a 1 to 1 counter attack that gets a defender eliminated (nasty things those results).

I think turning off FOW would only interest are more jaded SC fanatics. No More Gambits and no more spiffy moves, they would have to start getting their game even more perfect.

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