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Ousting Fortified Troops


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Dislodging Besieged Armies

Why is it that I cannot dislodge some besieged armies despite them being totally surrounded. I had a German Army surrounded by French and British Units in Bordeaux and they were imposible to destroy. I would also bomb this German Army prior to attacks as well. The same with Sevastopol.



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You have to check the entrenchment level, often no damage will even be done to a unit with above 2 entrenchment. Places like Sevastapol for example or the Maginot Line are heavy forts and unit's can get up around 8 entrenchment level. Every attack from air or ground takes 1 point from the level, but every turn they also regain 1. So it will often take 1-2 turns just to remove thier entrenchment to the point where you can start doing real damage, then you will see them come down quickly and easily.

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