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Turkey Shootout, Game #4 : Zappsweden (Axis) vs Rambo (Allies). RAMBO WON.


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Turn 3:

Axis take Warsaw but Poland refuse to give up. Denmark fight on. Axis take the first blood hex.

Above Canada, subs are battling the Allied navy. Axis subs managed to damage 2 UK navy units but the subs will be sunk next turn.

[ November 28, 2003, 06:27 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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March 1940 -

1) Allies play a boring strategy.

2) Poles are still in the fight, 3-units still hiding.

3) In France, we tighten up the line, no counters, only reinforcement.

4) RAF reassigned NorthWest of Paris.

5) Irish getting a hit or two a turn by carriers.

[ November 28, 2003, 06:41 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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October 1940 -

1) Germany is intent on UK. 5+ Luftwaffen make runs on ground units (French in the Mountains S. of Manchester), Carriers intercept, no reason to save them if SeaLion is next.

2) IN (Italian Navy) breaks out of the Med-Front, they're coming to England too.

3) UK has 1000+ MMPs...I'll need them for SeaLion.

4) Free French Armies occupy London, Manchester, & the mountain hex South of Manchester.

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