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Swearing Off GF Confrontations, Forever!


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Having made one last foray into that hostile and boring cavern in support of a friend and SC Brother, I wish to state now that it will be my last posting of that sort.

I'm really not interested in the place except for occasional posts to threads that interest me and putting up with the abusive comments of the lunatic fringe really isn't woth the aggravation that inevitably results.

Let sleeping bores lie.

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@Sir Jersey --- Think about it, what do you expect to find in a General Forum on a wargaming website? Nothing but a bunch of Internet Campers who wish they were goosestepping, attacking farmers with tanks, & beating up bagelshop owners. In reality, they are a bunch of unemployed Canadians, living in their mother's house & posting on the sister's computer. Most of them were in the military for a couple years max (see unemployeed), & they got out claiming some disability to get a freebie check from the government.

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Brother Rambo,

Yes, that's the take on it I get also, though hopefully there are many good Canadians out there who we don't know about because they are reluctant to divulge their sorrowful origins.

Did a lot of posting there today in Kuniworth's CNN thread, before it was locked -- with a remark that such threads belong at SC and not at the GF! :eek: :D

I think the GF is good in a pick and choose sense. The thing I'm looking to avoid is the threads that are preordained to become battlegrounds. The thing is I didn't want anyone to feel I was backing out of helping if something flares up, I'm not.

I have to agree with your take on these things at this sort of site because the people posting have a natural inclination to turn it into a battle. Hell, it's their hobby! ;)

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I agree with your general view here JJ. I at times have said things which I have wish I could have taken back. (yes even on this forum :D ) Then there are other times when I have said things and I later said why, its not worth it. Not worth the hassel and the person who upset me was not worth it. Usually better to turn the cheek. Hey I think some wise person said that.

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Actually, John, thanks for stopping by. Until the link was posted to the original 'Let's Invade the GF' thread, I didn't even realize there was an 'oppressed and disenfranchised' SC community.

You lot ought to come up with a catchy name for your movement, like 'The People's Front for Strategic Command', or something.

While I appreciate your Chief Joseph style 'I will post no more forever' approach, it seems ill-considered. Your concept was good, it was just your execution that was execrable. It was like watching Anarchists plan a State dinner party.

You know, this SC Forum is quite commodious. After rodent control's been through, and a few high pressure hoses have been applied, along with knocking out some walls, it would make a great place for the Peng Challenge Thread!

But I digress.

Seriously, the whole 'Those CM buggers are dominating the GF' thing was bizarre, to say the least. I wasn't even aware that there was an 'unterclass'. It's the General Forum. Surely anyone is free to start up a topic of discussion, but perhaps having Kuniworth do a paean to the Gaylord school of posting multiple threads where no actual discussion was desired, although supposedly invited, was perhaps not the best way to 'make your mark'.

But I, for one, excuse all simply for the reading of JJR's 'made man' ranting. There's nothing like having Christ's 'Capo de Familia' get behind gibberish and push to make you appreciate the vagaries of Reality. One wonders: How many men has he made?

Now, I must away, to return to conspiring with so many others as to the best way to control a Forum dedicated to recipes, silly news stories, other games, computer questions, favourite or odious songs/movies/games, and the proper and prescribed way to hate Grog Dorosh.

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Honored by the visit. This is indeed a memorable day in SC History!

Seeing how impoverished the place is of course you realize now the impossibility of our providing a home for Dorosh. A single day's decent hatred would leave us ruined!

Our Made Man philosophy is a combination of Billy Graham and the saintly Lucky Luciano. Modesty precludes my saying how many Made Men we've got to date but we're about to elect a new Green Jacket wearing member.

Kuniworth may seem incoherent to others, but he's the closest we've got to Ciccero!

Of course we're honored at the prospect of hosting the Peng Thread but really, wouldn't that lead to a serious loss of CM identity?

Feel free to drop by as often as you'd like. SC is a great game, I'm told, though personally I find war games to be too violent for my gentle nature.

Aside from which I made a vow after the last game I was involved in, I play at war no more forever! Kind of catchy I think. ;)

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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

Seeing how impoverished the place is of course you realize now the impossibility of our providing a home for Dorosh. A single day's decent hatred would leave us ruined!

To paraphrase: It takes a Village to hate Grog Dorosh...

Kuniworth may seem incoherent to others, but he's the closest we've got to Ciccero!

I assume you mean Marcus Tullius Cicero. If Kuniworth is yours, then you're only promoting the benefits of tyranny over republic.

But perhaps you mean Cicero, Illinois. That would play into your whole 'made man' banter...

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