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SC Locked thread League - Statistics


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Ok on request from JerseyJohn I wrote down the statistics in this field.

Ive tried to point out the offender in each case. When it was not possible and the reason was an off-topic discussion I wrote this down as locked by discussion.


Total threads in forum; 2808

Locked threads; 165

Percentage 5,87%

Locked due to longer/maybe off-topic discussion; Around 30-40

Locked due to single individual; 100+

MAIN CULPRITS(Threads directly related to single individual. Rank, name, threads, status)

Top 16

1. Kuniworth 29 Active

2. Lucky Zebra 14 Banned

3. JerseyJohn 9 Active

4. Commi18/Polishbrucelee 8 Retired

5. Immer Etwas 6 Lurking

6. Jon J Rambo 6 Active

7. Carl von Mannerheim 5 Lurking

8. Les the Sarge 4 retired

BriantheWise 4 retired

Lucky Zorba 4 Active

9. Seawolf48 3 lurking

Bullwinkle 3 lurking

tylerS 3 retired

EB 3 retired

Bernard Honing 3 retired

Hueristic 3 lurking


2 locked up thread

ZappSweden - active

Comrade Trapp - active

1 locked up thread

JP Wagner - lurking

Jim Boggs - lurking

Bloodybucket - retired

Mincks - retired

Gaylord Focker - lurking

Waltero - retired

disorder - retired/lurking

[ September 25, 2003, 06:15 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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Great Work Kuni!

I recognize the new figure in place of my earlier claim of 37 -- I was suffering from Delusions of Grandeur!

My hat is off to you Sir, you are clearly the undisputed Sultan of this much misunderstood art form. Long Live the King!

Superb breakdown raising the category to complete respectability. smile.gif

[ September 25, 2003, 06:20 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Jersey I believe you are responsible for twice your number by drifting threads off-topic. But it´s hard relating stuff to a single individual so your style is at disadvantage here.

But keep up the good work. I will soon add stats for 2003 counting from the christmas riot. Locked thread percentage should be much higher.

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Thanks Champ, good to know I've been doing my part in this great work even where it doesn't show in the stats.

I think EB and dgaad were the best at getting other people's threads locked up with their ongoing livid hatred for each other. All they had to do was post something and within the hour there'd be a locked Thread. Ah, the Golden Age!

Looking forward to the updated figures.

[ September 25, 2003, 06:35 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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JerseyJohn Accepts his Undisputed Third Place Trophy

"I'd like to thank EB and dgaad for expressing -- quite vehemently -- their mutual hatred in five of my nine Locked Threads. Those two stopped posting about the same time. I think of them as a pair of cadavers with their hands locked forever around one another's throats. Guess it's the romantic in me.

"What can I say? It's an honor to be here, but there are some real heavies coming up who may pass me pretty soon. Then there's Kuni, one of those distant stars millions of lightyears off and moving away too quickly for anyone to ever catch up with. . . ..

"Geez, now I'm crying!

"Sorry about that but, well, you know how much this award means to me.

"My thanks to the Lock-Up Academy and I just want to comment on the wisdom of holding this ceremony out doors with a low stone fence in the main gate gets padlocked unexpectedly.

Most of all, I'd like to thank Martin, the infamous Moon for all his help. This Trophy is as much his as it is mine!"

[ September 25, 2003, 11:08 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Most destructive forum members

This category is quite easy. Lucky Zebra is way ahead of all except lucky zorba.

Lucky Zebra;

23 postings, 14 locked threads= 60,8% of postings render a padlocking

Lucky Zorba

8 postings, 4 locked threads= around 50%


1108 postings, 29 padlocks = 2,6%


3265 postings, 9 padlocks= 0,27%

So speaking out of effectiveness and devastation Lucky Zebra is in a different division. The so called newbie uprising by Zorba will be nice to follow. Can he challenge Zebra?

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Btw I think Moon is by far the funniest Moderator. His funny comments at the end of each threads always cracks me up. He got a good sense of humour and is underrated when it comes to beeing funny here. Martins style is to comment on the last post and finish of in style. Brilliant. My favorite.

Hubert got a very neutral and strict moderator style. Often locking up off-topic discussion.

MadMatt is out to crack skulls. He bans and locks without remorse in attempts to scare people from trying same stuff again.

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:D -- Great!!

The % of total posts to lockups puts an interesting slant on things.

I guess it would be more accurate to have total Threads originated to Total Threads Locked, but that would be a real pain to compile.

In that case I'd bet Lucky Zebra would be near to 100%.

[ September 25, 2003, 08:36 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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"What the hell is 'This makes thirty' supposed to mean? I don't know what you're talking about, Kuniworth, or whatever you said your name is, but pretending to be nuts won't do you any good in this stir.

"And some guy calling himself JJ brought a cake for you. It feels kind of heavy but if you wanna get fat eating it that's your business."


[ September 25, 2003, 10:49 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I missed ALL of that action, the whole Elephant idiocy. I just went to the third page and began working my way back through each one individually.

This character was / is beyond belief. Turns out it's the same guy using different tags; lot of trouble to go through for such paltry results.

Got a kick out of the responses, enjoyed the Sempri Fi Locked Threads for you and Comrade, serves the indirect purpose of limiting it to the former and future marine, kind of poetic!

Kurt's penis enlargement cartoon was a riot but not the sort of thing I'd advise anyone to post.

Comrade's blood was up by that idiot, glad he calmed it down. Kudos to Bill for stepping with such good advice without being overbearing and glad Comrade took it the way it was meant.

Martin handled the whole thing excellently, the best I've seen, and Kudos to him as well; he didn't over react or come down on good contributors who were only venting outrage.

And Kuniworth's concern over lawless padlock seekers was misunderstood, as usual.

So, did this latest imbecile pass me on the All Time List? I didn't count up his total.

Kuni -- Probably you're original suggestion is correct, we shouldn't count locked threads caused by spammers. They should go into a separate Hall of Shame Category instead of being mixed in with those of people not looking to be expelled.

[ September 29, 2003, 07:01 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Kurt's penis enlargement cartoon was a riot but not the sort of thing I'd advise anyone to post.

You're right JJ.Was the first time I lost my temper on this forum.Next time I'll be more careful.

It's just I was starting my AAR with Blashy and when my browser was back on the forum there were about ten spam threads by that ****###@&.Then he attacked me personal which really pissed me off.I was gonna say 'Jerk' like Jordy used to do but I got a bit carried away instead.

Felt good for a while,but now I know best way to deal with spammers is to ignore'em.

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Kurt, You had a right to get angry. I'm known for reacting hot when something gets under my skin, so I'd be the last to say it's wrong to do it.

The bad thing is when some nitwit spamming trol provokes these things. Now that we know the same guy using different tags is to blame it will be easier to ignore him.

I hope there's some way of tracking him down and blocking him completely, but that may not even be possible.

[ September 29, 2003, 07:30 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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