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AAR Super Duper Bout and Duel


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Final League of Nations Tally on Portugal Port Award Act:

"Issue: Wherein the Portuguese Dory Fishermen and other Porgies are finding it inconvenient to carry on without a port of their own -- said item having been obliterated by one Hubert Cater when he redrew said portion of the Earth -- it is hereby requested the this organization approve the reestablishment of at least one port, to be located at Lisbon.

"All those in favor please say Aye --"


"Will the honorable representitive of Portugal please rephrase his response?"


"Ahemmmm, that will be counted as an affirmative vote. All those opposed please say Nay --"

[some time later.]

"Is the final tally in Mr Secretary of Drudgery?"

"Yes Mr Chairmen of Pomposity, it is."

"Care to share it with us you dullard?"

"Yes sir, those in favor, 1 vote (widespread laughter, secretary waits for it to die down). Those opposed, 19,873."

"Very well. You're screwed Porgie."

"Se'. Gracias!"

[ December 11, 2003, 01:18 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Sympathies. Finally broke a wrist at age 48 -- ah to remember such youthful experiences! -- and it's still setting itself six years later. You're more physically active and a lot younger than I am so it will probably heal right away. If you didn't jump out of your shoes immediately it's probably a comparatively small fracture, but still a major annoyance.

When I broke my wrist, I tried reshaking the limb with my other hand. Had it looking fairly normal, felt satisfied, then let go and it collapsed again into a sort of fish hook shape and at that point even I was forced to concede it couldn't be cured by positive thoughts. ;)

Speedy recovery. smile.gif

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