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Research Tech


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I'm new to this forum, I'm from Guatemala, so pardon my english, I think the research tech needs to improve, I don't like luck to be the most important thing in the game, I think that the research tech should be out of work, mpp, time, or a combination of them all, 'cause I have tank level 1, then two months later I have level 3, and sometimes I'm in 1942 with Tank level 0, with a pool in research of 3 in just the tank, so I don't like it. It needs some work, other than that, is fine, I got into this game by another game, High Command wich I played back in 1993 (I think), which is great, but lacks a good AI, a good thing in HICOM is that I need oil and Iron Ore to build tanks, planes, army, etc. So I must go and invade and conquer in order to grow a nice army, also I like it that I can stack units and unite units. Which there should be some stacking and some ability to combine units in Strategic Command ET, but there should be limits to stacking, since in HICOM I could stack too much, so I build up tremendous power and no one could pass through me, I like playing the Axis, in this game, the US should be more important (more mpp).

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I think there is general agreement that the game relies very heavily on tech, and that luck plays too alrge a role in when you receive tech.

I don't like anything that comes down to "If I get lucky, I will almost certainly win. If my opponent gets lucky, I will almost certainlylose."


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In order to reduce the luck factor you can put all your research chips in one or two cathegories. If you concentrate 5 chips in a single research theme, you will get fast research very quickly, and fairly steadily.

If there is a statistician out there, please come and correct me. But if you place 5 chips into one single cathegory over 10 tunrs you have:

* a 98% chance of getting at least one tech improvement and a 50

* a 96% chance of getting at least two tech improvements

* a 92% chance of getting at least three tech improvements

* an 84% chance of getting at least four tech improvements.

* and, a 68% chance of getting all five tech improvements, within 10 turns.

If you extend the period to 20 turns, there is a 92% chance you will get all five tech improvements.

That's pretty good. But you need to concentrate the max of 5 chips into one cathegory to get this kind of certainty.

When you spread your chips among more cathegories, you increase the unpredictability of your outcome. First, you never know which cathegory is going to improve, so you cannot plan your long term strategy. Second, though you may get the windfall of having improvements in many cathegories in a single turn, you likewise have a greater risk of getting nothing. So your volatility goes up.

When playing the Axis against the AI, I normally put 5 chips in Jet Engine. And at least 3 in Industrial Tech. By now all games are starting to look the same (I regularly win at Intermidate +1 or Expert +0) Maybe next time I will self impose on myself a maximum limit of 3 chips per research area.

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ev, statistics are all very nice until you run into outrageous cases where things do NOT follow probability.

For instance: In the TCP/IP game I'm running with CvM, the USA has had 5 research chits in industry for over a full year.

It's still 0, lol. They've gotten plane advances, but absolutely nada for industry. Conversely, Russia and UK got industrial tech advances NOT LESS than once every two turns.

1940 and UK is an industrial powerhouse? Excuse me?

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Actually, I like that fact that research is dictated partially by chance. It makes the game interesting - you might be winning the war only to have your opponent literally pull off a Hail Mary and develop some super-duper weapon that wins it for him.

However, with all things, if you play your cards right, you can minimize the effect that luck has on research, i.e. put all your resources in ONE field.

And frankly, being involved in R & D myself, a lot of these things happen out of the blue. Progress in research does NOT follow a set schedule. A lot of times, you sweat, weep, scream in frustration and get nowhere and then one day, BANG, something wonderful happens. So I think R & D is SC is fairly "realistic" - my only gripe is that some advances seem to come really fast and some countries seem to have super duper scientists (Italy, being the best example).

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The next patch will tweak the research rules and make the results less arbitrary. Chance will still be there (which is good for replay value), but randomness will not be quite as great as currently.

Or so a little bird tells me. ;)

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Originally posted by ev:

If there is a statistician out there, please come and correct me. But if you place 5 chips into one single cathegory over 10 tunrs you have:

* a 98% chance of getting at least one tech improvement and a 50

* a 96% chance of getting at least two tech improvements

* a 92% chance of getting at least three tech improvements

* an 84% chance of getting at least four tech improvements.

* and, a 68% chance of getting all five tech improvements, within 10 turns.


Yep so it is at least a little more predictible in which sector you will get an advance in research if you spent max research points on that. Was just wondering where you did get the statistics from seem to fit
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