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72-Hour Head-Cracked list


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What a 3-day stint!

I fly from Boise to Vegas to Portland. Visit relatives, drink alot of beer, buy Christmas presents, smack the Forum and I still had time to head-crack the following people:

Nothing but Victories!

1) BrianTheWise --- Dude, how was the Med. front panning out in that alledged game#2 you offerred? No Gibralter, Egpyt, or Navy for Britain sucks, eh? I've got that game#1 saved too. Germans drooling at Paris, an escaped German Fleet & no British carriers! Panzers thrust thru the LowCountries & in France, March '40.

Brian, the next laugher is kicking you're butt WHEN I'M THE ALLIES & YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW IT. HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaH.....Beating you again, that game is another "W" for Rambo.

2) Brad Tennent --- Axis aren't that easy are they? It's a bitch when you can't cross the Rhine. Remember, I am a tourney. Funny thing is, I'm not even a good French player. Just wait for what I have in store in Russia. Thanks for the game this week, lets do it again.

3) Waltero --- You're the nicest guy in the crowd. We played 2-games, and 2-Rambo victories as the Axis. How'd you like the Turkish Gambit!!!!! How about the delayed SeaLion in 1942!!!!!!!!!!!! Take those pointers I gave you & you'll beat the clowns on the Forum.

4) Comrade Trapp --- YOU GOT SO HEAD-CRACKED & you quit. Just like everybody else always does when they're taking a beating. How'd did you like my "Spread & Shoot" offense in Western Germany? Those Poles can be a bitch. And of course, the Head-Spliting on put on Italy. Hell, I wasn't even trying! You're going to need some Staples & Sutures put into that Cracked-Head. You ran into the Champ on a Friday night, a regular Raging Bull. 1287.GIF

Wanna join the Head-Cracked List? I win either side! Play TCP/IP, means no PBEM-BS.

"I ain't the AI"

Captain Team-USA

Rambo >>>>> By appointment only


[ December 28, 2002, 02:35 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Rambo....you are so full of ****, yes, I'll admit France was in a stalemate, you had stalled my offensive. If that was all there was to say I'd still be playing you, but the bull**** you pulled in Italy was just one big cheapshot. You delcared war on Italy fine, you destroyed the Italian Navy on the onset of war fine (it could happen in real life), I have no problem with that, it was a good move. But then you invade all the unoccupied cities in Italy on the onset of war....how does that work...you transport 2 armies and sit off the coast of the 2 unoccupied cities in Italy and then declare war and invade that same turn. Its no wonder everybody thinks you are a cheap son of a bitch. And you acually take pride in these cheapshots, its just sad. No wonder you claim you win all the time...all you do is cheat.

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"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his" - General George S. Patton

Want more of me? That was kid's stuff. You going to quit? You going to cry?

Comrade --- You have now been awarded the "Congressional Medal of Quiting" while getting your assed kicked by Rambo. So tell me Comrade, isn't all fair in Love & War? What Socialist country are you from?

Better make a "Rambo-patch"

[ December 28, 2002, 03:27 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Okay, Comrade Trapp, that's 2-games now I beat you. Once as Allies & once as Axis. I'm chilling out on the smack since I found out you're cool on the message passing during the last game. And you're from the USA, so I take back my Commie thing regarding your nickname. I gave you a couple of tips for free too.

Anyhow, get that coffee, because we are onto Game#3

Rambo vs Comrade Trapp


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GDS_STARFURY --- Alright buddy, I'm awake & ready for action. Current time is 10:30 am (Pacific) on Saturday.

Aren't I a smart guy? I adjust the times for my opponnent but don't aske me to do Finnish times just yet.

I'll post in the Opponennt finder, or you can host & post the IP here.

The Legend

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