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Rambo Turkey Shootout II


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Thanksgiving is just right around the corner (Thursday, November 27), this is my favorite Holiday of the year. It is always the last Thursday of November, followed by the biggest shopping day of the year. This day represents our forefathers chilling with the American Indians dudes, eating turkey, exhanging presents, smoking the peace pipe, drinking brew, & busting a few scriptures. Today's tradition (Rambo style) is to watch Detroit Lions & Dallas Cowboys football, gamble on the games, eat Turkey, hang w/ friends & relatives, bust scriptures, & PLAY COMPETITIVE STRATEGIC COMMAND.

I officially anounce the 2nd Annual Rambo Turkey Shootout, it will begin Wednesday, November 26.

How does it work? Simple, it's a no BS system & low maintanence system. Get online, play alot of SC, post AARs, talk smack, & have fun. There's no divisions, no rating system, no anything. Just be online & be cool playing SC. It's all about being in uniform & grabbing some glory anyway you can get.

I'll be staying in Boise for this one, going over to some relatives for early grub, but after I inhale that gravy covered Idaho's finest potatos & turkey, it's game time. No work, no worries. My Holiday record speaks for itself, I'm bad ass when the stress of this world does not effect my game.

If you're interested in playing, post now. Since there are no current leagues, I'm also coming out of PBEM hibernation for those so inclined.

Yours Legendary,

Captain Jon J. Rambo


[ November 18, 2003, 11:45 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Finally, some good news, we haven't had that in awhile. I think this will lightin things up a bit, your always thinking, thats what I like about you.

Comrade Trapp signs up and calls out Rambo. "Thats right, your time has come to parish at the hands of Comrade Trapp, you have hidden long enough." :mad:

Comrade Trapp

[ November 18, 2003, 11:58 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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Alright C-Trapp, you have an appointment set. Pick your poison, just like playing pool in Grandma's basement. Lag for break, stripes or solids, I don't care. I'll play whatever dang rules you want, we'll adjust our match accordingly. Get your editor out if you want, mods, bids, etc. Because when that work bell hits on November 26, I'm free for 4-days. I'll have brew in hand, a few parlay tickets, & my copy of SC.

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How does it work? Simple, it's a no BS system & low maintanence system. Get online, play alot of SC, post AARs, talk smack, & have fun. There's no divisions, no rating system, no anything. Just be online & be cool playing SC. It's all about being in uniform & grabbing some glory anyway you can get.

I like this, too bad I'll be working those days. Still I'll check in one or two mornings and see who is around for a game. Its that or go to my other job playing poker for 3-6 hour strech's for my 'fun' money.
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