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Another glowing report on the demo

Brian Rock

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I'd downloaded the Strat Command demo a while ago, but hadn't even bothered installing it - I mean, it's hex based, WWII (yet again), looked like TOAW-lite, etc.

Well last week I was unable to play CM, due to some driver problems after upgrading to Win XP. I figured I was in need of some mind candy, so I finally installed SC.

I think I got to bed about 1am the first night. I was pleasantly surprised how addictive the game was.

The combat routines are agreeably simple, yet capable of providing the "right" sorts of outcomes when more detailed complex approaches fail to do so.

The amount of layering of various options and details - R&D, air power, naval, armored units, and so on - was pretty well optimal for my tastes. Enough to do to keep me exploring alternative strategies, and without turning into micromanagement hell.

This has gone on my "must buy" list. Great stuff.

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