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Hola Kantabricus. Lo primero que tienes que tener es el pacht para TCP/IP, una vez instalado( o si ya lo tienes) uno de los dos contrincantes hace de "server" y el otro de "host". Es decir que si tu creas la partida, el otro debe "unirse" a ti, esto es con la opcion JOINT (jejeje)dentro del menu TCP/IP.

Para unirse a una partida necesitas logicamente la direccion IP de la otra persona,o "server", mientras que si tu creas partida solo tienes que esperar a que se te unan.

Saludos desde Madrid. ;)

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For finding a player online the Opp Finder Forum has been slowly decreesing, to the point that weekdays are almost useless. There is a post with players ICQ #s, and Curry has a PBEM league started to playing the game through E-Mail. Drop me a line if you have specfic questions on starting a game, though O-2003 might be better as you can converse in Spanish.

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Ola amigo,

I'm new here too, and hooked on SC. I am totally willing to PBEM in a friendly match if you wish.

email me your first turn as AXIS... or just email me with your response, and I'll send you my first Axis email.

I prefer all Options on, (ie: disable undo), except War in Siberia. And all Politics set to Random.

PS, I speak, read and write in spanish if you prefer.

Looking forward to it! :cool:

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