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Everything posted by ElGascon

  1. Great point Iron, I guess I grouped Tech into the Money item. I reasoned that if the Allies can maintain the Money Edge, they also can win out the Tech war. I wonder if a side with inferior MPP's but higher Tech can win out over a side with superior MPP's, and lower Tech. Thinking about it, it seems to me that the High MPP's win out over the High Tech. Eventually, the High MPP's can acquire, and SUPPORT, the High-Tech.
  2. I'm new here, have been playing SC for at least 6 months, h2h for about four...wargames (board games) for years. I've read alot on the sc strategic used by alot of the players, and the bugs, etc. I like the Strategies...all very kewl. And the bugs don't really bother me as they all have some rationale. But I have a topic to throw out there...I'm very curious what the SC players think. This is in regards to the 1939 Fall Weiss scenario It strikes me that the axis game mechanics, not unlike strategic considerations of the real war are centered on economics (long-term). And that the pathway to this starts in favor of the Allies, with both France/Britain out producing Germany. However, Germany is most decently heavy handed, having a much larger, and better equiped ground force. And so...short term the tactics employed to achieve the long-term effect would result in... The Allies: Maintain the advantage until the Bear (Soviet) enters. Do nothing to delay that entry, if absolutely possible. Stall the AXIS from FRANCE. - Successful maintenance of this advantage means that the Axis has NO way to victory...and a quick doom, once the Soviets enter. (Let alone the US.) They could take everyone they want; but if they don't take France...they are doomed. Delay Delay Delay. For the Axis: SPEED OF Conquest of France, LC, Denmark, Poland, Norway, and Sweden, and if Possible elimination of England...judiciously of course, since a mucked up sea-lion will deter Spain as an Axis member (Good in the Soviet; and good for income), and Bring on USA quickly. - Successful completion of this PHASE enters another one for the AXIS. Defeat of the Soviet, for now, whether or not England exists, the Axis has a problem. A Vast Money producer, with an overseas Ally. Still not economically great. However, still powerful. - In this the tactic is sure...defend continental Europe at all costs...while conquering the Soviet. (No easy task against even a mediocre Soviet Opponent) Perhaps an ingenious Axis player can utilize the Italians for this purpose. (Since the Meditteranean is theirs.) Once USA enters...all bets are off, and all countries are targets. In the end it boils down to TIME for the Axis, and MONEY for the Allies. The Axis needs TIME (To prepare a quick, and fast destruction of the Soviet Union) and the Allies need to maintain/increase their MONEY; at least until the Bear comes in. Anyway...just a bunch of brain burping. But I would love to hear your thoughts. I am always looking for a good PBEM. I'm involved in four right now, and could probably handle another two. I respond in a day, and like all options on (except UNDO...I don't like UNDO.) And I like all Politics Random. I keep strategy journals, and would gladly share them with my opponents after a few games; for learning. If you want to play, just send me your first turn as AXIS (I only play 1939 Fall Weiss), or an email if you prefer the Allies. at ElGascon@ivimposto.com See you on the Battlefield. :cool:
  3. Woohoo! Got the mail... "And So...it begins." Meet you on the battlefield!
  4. Ohoy Slapaho, I'm itching, and have at least one more docket to play a PBEM if you are interested. I play only 1939 Fall Weiss, with all options, except War in Siberia, and RANDOM Politics. If you do to...and want Axis...just send me your Opening move! If you want allies, email me, and I'll get started with a little move. All in good fun of course.
  5. Ola amigo, I'm new here too, and hooked on SC. I am totally willing to PBEM in a friendly match if you wish. email me your first turn as AXIS... or just email me with your response, and I'll send you my first Axis email. I prefer all Options on, (ie: disable undo), except War in Siberia. And all Politics set to Random. PS, I speak, read and write in spanish if you prefer. Looking forward to it! :cool:
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