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New Borders


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As an enthousiastic axis player, i'll find it really accurate if Germany would be enabled to create new provinces in the east and divide up parts of USSR. (Like new borderlines of Vichy France). When Riga, Minsk, Smolensk, Odessa and Kharkov are occupied, Germany originally build up the "Reichskommisariat Weissruthenien", "Reichskommisariat Ostland", and of course, the Generalgouvernement from rest of Poland before. Maybe this feature of creating new borders and add the territory to your home country could be supported in some forthcoming update.

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Not a bad idea--as long as we get to redraw the borders yet again when the Red Army troops return.


Okay, if the bloodthirsty russians manage to strike back and gain control over the annexed territory again (which wont ever happen against a skilled Wehrmacht chief of staff and his glorious Panzertroops) the land should normally return to the bolshevistic empire.

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On "bloodthirsty Russians". Many in the West complain about our seizure of the eastern half of "Poland" in the latter part of September 1939. It must be realized some points:

1. These territories were historically part of the Russian Empire of the Tsarism

2. These territories were seized by invading Polish forces during course of Russian Civil War in which our new Soviet government was relatively weak and fighting at the same time a great number of internal enemies and external invaders--the forces of Poland were organized, supplied, trained, funded, encouraged, protected, and in many cases directly led by the Western Allies, specifically Britain and France as well as New York bankers eager to hurt Russia in any way possible

3. These territories had an ethnic population which was overwhelmingly non-Polish. Specifically, most of the people in these areas were of Byelorussian or Ukrainian ethnic origin. Plus some Lithuanians in their provinces too. These peoples who were oppressed, humiliated, and subjugated by the Poles, welcomed the Red Army troops as heroic liberators.

Many of those who called themselves "Poles" were in fact of Jewish origin. The Byelorussians and Ukrainians hated the Poles, the Jews, and the Jews who called themselves Poles. And vice versa, I might add. Initially, many of the Jews had strongly supported Poland to fend off the Nazis and Soviets, but when it became clear that Poland would fall, some Jews turned to the Soviets as protectors and some to the Germans. In both cases, they were heavily disappointed. In fact, even today, the territories remain part of the Byelorussian and Ukrainian republics. In ultimate "compensation" to Poland (and punishment to Germany), Poland was shifted much to the westward and today occupies the traditional eastern half of Germany. My friends there in Byelorussian and Ukrainian republics like to say, "We are Soviet citizens forever!"

So, before you attack us as "bloodthirsty Russians", you should consider the historical context first. Look at how you killed off your poor Indians--complete Genocide if ever there was it! Do you call yourself or your country guilty of Genocide? probably not. Of course, I am objective enough to realize that America could have never turned into a major power without killing off your native peoples and taking their land. But please be realistic and objective to our people as well.

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You might want to check which nation someone comes from before assuming they are from North America. tongue.gif

So, before you attack us as "bloodthirsty Russians", you should consider the historical context first. Look at how you killed off your poor Indians--complete Genocide if ever there was it! Do you call yourself or your country guilty of Genocide? probably not. Of course, I am objective enough to realize that America could have never turned into a major power without killing off your native peoples and taking their land. But please be realistic and objective to our people as well.
If you click on the symbol to the right of the name, JayJay_H, you will see a pop-up screen which lists a location of Germany.


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Heh heh, that's pretty funny. :D I get the feeling that both EB and JayJay have some serious egg on their faces right now. (Or if there is any justice, they should. ;) )

JayJay: Why recommend this? Any change in SC should be something that will change game play in some way, not be just merely cosmetic. There is no point in adding borders.

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JayJay: Why recommend this? Any change in SC should be something that will change game play in some way, not be just merely cosmetic. There is no point in adding borders.


Okay, i would imagine that mines etc would work more effective when they belong to new german eastern provinces!? More or less, your right saying it would be merely cosmetic, but i was just looking for a way to edit the border sprites. Something like a map editor would be very apprexiated.

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On "bloodthirsty Russians". Many in the West complain about our seizure of the eastern half of "Poland" in the latter part of September 1939.



Dont mind about my way of using terms, your right with the indians but i'm from Germany and so i'd love to see the stolen territories reunited.

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Originally posted by EB.:

as well as New York bankers eager to hurt Russia in any way possible

See, you have to read things very carefully to fully understand who you are dealing with here.

The US has Billions of Dollars worth of worthless bonds from the Tsarist regime. They are sold as collectors items here in the US. NY Bankers aren't interested in hurting any country. They were interested in collecting the money owed to them, of which the bonds were the instrument. They knew that Communist Russia certainly wouldn't pay those bonds, and they didn't and they haven't. The bonds remain worthless to this day.

Historians could, and have, made the argument that the intervention of the West was almost exclusively motivated by such financial concerns, as all the Western powers had lent Russia enormous sums of money during WW1, and for many years before WW1. Most of it, if not all of it, was never paid back.

This experience reverberates to this day. Russia today complains about the lack of investment in Russia by the West. They largely don't understand that the West has a very long financial memory. The investment houses say, yes we know there is tremendous untapped potential in Russia, that its a beautiful land with many resources and capable people, but the last time we invested there, we lost everything. What assurances can be given?

Just imagine if these bankers met someone like EB, who justifies the Famine, the Purge, the slaughters, the Gulag, the forced migrations and deportations, the Non-Aggression pact with Hitler, and so on and so forth, all as justified. This type of thinking would scare the beejeezus out of any sane person, especially a banker. Hence : investment limited to fast food chains and a few mega-retail outlets. Even those aren't safe, so the cycle begins again.

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Originally posted by JayJay_H:

Okay, i would imagine that mines etc would work more effective when they belong to new german eastern provinces!?

Just to reply to this part of your message (since I agree with the rest) why do you say they would be more effective? Just one more level of bureaucracy, but no real effect. Russian factories were never really reworked for the Germany war machine. Just too much damage and a population too unwilling to join.
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Jay the German: sorry for blaming you for killing the Indians. I admit now that this was not your fault.

Next, on the hatred of NY bankers for Russia / USSR. Yes, they hate Russia. They loaned lots of money to the corrupt tsarist regime which of course the Soviet government would not want to repay. Same with today--Western banks loan lots of money to the anti-Russian regime in Moscow, to the hands of the Mafia. You can bet that this is not going to be repaid by them or by our new patriotic government in the future. You loan to the Mafia, then you will not get repaid. Don't get upset about that. Also, I do not complain about wanting Western investment in Russia--no way. I say to all Western companies and investors to get the hell out as soon as possible. For your good and especially for ours. We hate Western capitalism and want it out of here. The bombing of the Moscow McDonald's is very symbolic here--Russia is not safe for Western business even in simple terms of investment and return. The West only comes here to steal from us and exploit our people. Better for us to get rid of these international vampires as soon as possible. I think that the hatred of New York bankers for Russia has a long history continuing to the present day. Don't forget that these same New York bankers instigated the Russo-Japanese War in 1904-05 and completely funded the Japanese effort in that war--anything to hurt Russia. The fundamental key to this whole thing is that the New York bankers are themselves the descendants of "Russian" immigrants who absolutely hate everything Russian. These bankers had ancestors who were driven out of Russia by bloody, relentless pogroms. If you don't believe me, just ask them. To repay Russia for these endless pogroms, these bankers still have an eternal hatred of Russia--an unsurpassed hatred. So I think that I should stick by my earlier post on this topic.

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Do you play Illuminati?

Cuz i believe you and this game were meant for each other, you would be great at it. Thats my gut feeling. :D

It has Russia and Japan cards, as well as The Bank of England, Off shore Banks, Wargamers and Conspiracy theorists.

If you have some gaming friends that play face to face, run don't walk and pick this game up.

Check it out on the web.

Failing in that u want to play SC against me? :cool:

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