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Ai is to easy try this !


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I am a veteran play who have played over 100 games. I find if you edit the camping and give russian or usa starting mp 9999 each the game is nearly impossible to win and the ai is not cheating.

The only problem i have with the above is It is impossible for me to win so if you have any other way to enhance the ai please post and tell me so we can all have a good time playing this great game.

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How come nobody is replying?

I'm replying!

You give the United States or the USSR 9999 MPPs and the AI becomes impossible to beat!

I find that amazing, wonder what it does with 99999 MPPs?

I'll have to give it a shot.

Have you read the other Threads? Do you really want these guys replying? :eek:

If you're ignored it means they like you. ;)

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If you want to "enhance your experience of the game", you need to play other people. The AI can only take you so far.

I suggest you try playing PBEM. Even if you and your opponent can play TCP, once the TCP session is over (though the game won't be over), you can convert it to PBEM and continue.

I would think that almost everyone should be able to find the time to do at least one turn a day.

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I find strategic command to be unplayable as a multiplayer game mainly due to the lack of playing and a rating system where you can show off.

I baught stragic command mainly for the single player experience and the ability to edit campain is good.I think the designers should let the ai have more free unite just like how civ3 does. I think civ3 does it by propotion when the player have 10 ai have 20 and so on and strategic command should follow the same furmula.

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For an interesting game,

As the Axis,

Declare war on every other country after France falls. You have a chance to win then but its a real struggle.

As the Allies,

Declare war on Norway, Sweden, Spain, Portugual, Turkey and Iraq after Germany attacks Russia or after France Falls.

You might also try giving the AI a few free tech chits - about 5 - with which it starts the game as the AI tends not to invest in Tech.

[ November 18, 2003, 10:42 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Skaka's right, you haven't played SC until you've played against a human player. You may be a "veteran player" against the AI, but a decent human player would tare you apart with little effort your first few games. Not insulting you or anything, we've all been there.

The AI makes it a lot easier for you to win, the AI:

*Never launches Operation Sealion

*North Africa never moves either way unless you go on the offensive.

*Becomes easily predictable.

*Attacks when it should be defending.

*Launches suicide attacks with units that it can't afford to lose.

*Builds nothing but Armies, Corps, Tanks, and Airfleets.

*Never does anything new.

I find strategic command to be unplayable as a multiplayer game mainly due to the lack of playing and a rating system where you can show off.
I'm going to be very blunt here so be prepared.

Show off? Then SC and any other wargame is the wrong game for you. No one on this forum likes show offs, not that your in a position to be one anyway. People who try to be show offs are usually the ones that get their ass kicked every time. Yes, we have a ladder available (Z-League) where you can compete with other members and keep track of your wins and losses, but we're here to have fun. We all joke around about our rankings, but no one takes them to heart. I doubt anyone would last very long around here if they started bragging about their ranking. If you want that kind of gameplay, go find a good first-person shooter or something, I recommend "Ghost Recon" or "Battlefield: 1942".

If you ever want to play a mutiplayer game, I would be happy to play you, just send me an e-mail. You can also always leave a post in the Opponent Finder Forum.

Good luck,

Comrade Trapp

[ November 18, 2003, 10:15 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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Trapp is absolutely right: The AI never does anything new; although the Axis AI will sometimes build a bomber or a rocket unit (it may also research rockets but never build any).

In SC2 I hoped that the powers that be improve the strategic (ie the Allies will sometimes attack Ireland or go for Iraq and the Axis will sometimes go for the Nordic Countries and/or Egypt), tactical (avoid wasting MPP by operating units back and forth before the war with russia and concentrating Air Power) and economic (reclaim research chits when needed) AI routines.

In spite of this you can have a really good game by playing some of the later scenarios or giving the AI varous mixes of research chits and units. For example: I like to play the 1939 Scenario as the Axis with the UK getting an additional 3 research chits and the US getting 5 chits instead of 2 along with 2 HQ units and an additional cruiser. IF I play the Allies I give Germany Norway and Sweden as the Axis AI will never invade the Nordic countries and I will also give the Germans 5 tech chits to compensate for their lack of investment in this area. (PS: If you give the Axis the Nordic countries besure to give them units to garrison these countries - at least 3 corps and 1 bomber unit, else the allies will have a walk in the park to liberate them).

Another Idea for SC2- At higher levels of AI (ie Intermediate, Expert) - the AI should have a chance per turn to have a greater spotting distance - example:

Intermediate AI - there is a 25% per turn that the spotting distance of AI units increases by 1,

Expert AI - there is a 25% per turn that the spotting distance of AI units increases by 2,

Genius AI there is a 25% per turn that the spotting distance of AI units increases by 4 (due to superior intelligence gathering)

This change may help the AI to respond better to human players without giving the AI an overwhelming advantage.

I would also say that the AI should know when countries (Canada, Norway, Spain) and colonies (Egypt)sre not garrisoned with enemy land units.

[ November 18, 2003, 11:19 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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What I say "seems" to matter heheh (hey I am in the Strategic Command Strategy Guide credits after all hehe.

Any way, China, winning against a computer AI means nothing. Zip zero nadda.

It's like wanking and yelling I win at the end heheh.

I have no small amount of experience as a wargamer, but you only have to read my AARs over at SCHQ forum to realise I can get slaughtered even by our less than "pro" players.

People think, AIs don't. Some of my ideas suck, some even worse hehe. And a person playing you will jump aaaaaaaall over that bad mistake immediately too. The AI won't really know you just screwed up. Nor will it gleefully make you regret it slowly and constantly as your game rushes towards an embarrassing finish.

That said, 100 or 1000 games against the AI is not equal to one game against a person.

As such, and without wishing to sound mean (not my intention at all), you have not earned the title veteran player. You are a noob like me (I have under 10 games against people).

So get out there and play one of the crowd China, your game will magically become a lot more game instantly.

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