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Is winning as the Axis possible in single player?


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Winning as Axis is possible in every case, not even with a neutral russia.

The point is to conquer poland, denmark and norway BEFORE you take Paris (which should have been done until July 1940).

After Italy enters the war, they should take athens a.s.a.p. by using an air-unit, at least on army and possibly a tank group. This may give you the required MPPs.

In my eyes, the AI is very "dumb" at the normal setting.

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And it's probably not a good idea to make a German Aircract carrier. smile.gif In fact, I only win as the Axis by getting Germany to avoid the water entirely. Want boats? The Italians can make them.

If you want to take Egypt you have to hurt the English fleet and often strike with a land force and an amphibious force.

I have yet to make Sea Lion work since the USSR always rushes in as soon as it starts.

Playing the Axis is a challenge because I use a custom scenario that gives the Allies more toys.

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No problem winning as single player Axis...just takes time to get use to the game's AI. Russia is pretty straight forward, though I always come in through Caucases (after taking Iraq), sending in two Corps and 1 Armour into Soviet mines and towns. Don't send in Armies, they get stuck in the mountains.

Take your time...and you'll defeat them, but you must attack something Soviet and destroy it off the map or else they'll build too large an army to defeat.

Good luck...

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Originally posted by elguapo2003:

Just wondering if any of you have been able to win as the Axis in single player mode? I know it can be done against other humans but can the computer be beat when playing under normal difficulty with no advantages for the Allies? Thanks.

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Thanks for the replies. I've been playing this game for about a month but I just haven't been able to win as the Axis yet. As soon as the Soviet Union comes in its all over! Any suggestions on dealing with them?
You have to be strong when Russia enters war.

IMHO there some basic rules:


  • Be fast as Axis!
  • Concentrate your troops on a few points/front lines, so that you have a local overweight.
  • Concentrate your MPPs for the most important units. A corps is cheap but without support from a HQ it is only a waste of MPPs.
  • To resist against Russia you need enough MPPs every turn so captured some countries to get enough industrial (MPP) resources when Russia attacks.
  • Kill units instead of damaging them if possible. Reinforcing is much cheaper than building a new unit!
  • Invest in research because on long term it will bring you much advantages. Investing in industrial technology is always important. Than invest at least in one or two other technologies to improve your troops. Mostly jet technology is important but it depends on your strategy.
  • Read the manual carefully ;)

I attack Denmark in the first round. After Poland and Denmark are fallen I concentrate most of my units in the fight against Lowlands and France. I send a smal squad (1 HQ perhaps 3 or 4 ground units and an air fleet) to Sweden and than Norway. Normally they return to Germany when Russia attacks (and they gaind lots of experience). After France is fallen (which should happen fast against the AI) you can attack France Vichy or just Spain and than Porutgal (they fall fast with a squad of 1 HQ and 5 units). Another squad can attack Yugoslavia (or you wait until it will join Allies) and then Greece. Normally than Russia will join Allies in spring 1941 but if you watch carefully their war readiness you are prepared (a straight line of of armies/corps with HQ backup is not easy to destroy especially with some air backup). At this time you should have another Italian squad (HQ + 5 ground units) and some more German units at the eastern front. Often you can attack Turkey than which gives you the chance to capture the Caucasian area of Russia. With breaks the neck of the Russian war machine and therefore the neck of the Allies.

If you are very fast and if you have enough air fleets you can attack England after France is fallen. But this is a little bit risky I would make it after you have enough experience. You will have lots of options against the AI with some experience.

Good luck!


[ January 04, 2003, 11:48 AM: Message edited by: Sven1969 ]

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It is quite possible! I just did it at the basic setting (version 1.06). However I didn't go after Norway until after Russia surrendered. After the Russian surrender I was able to build up a very strong Navy (with plenty of carriers) and air to make Sea Lion not just viable but almost a sure thing. As the British and Americans fought to stay alive in England, I went after Norway with no problem. I was also able to easily go after Vichy France, Spain and Portugal with mostly Italian forces. Greece and Sweeden were also taken just for some side fun during the main events. I then invaded Canada and the US with full axis control of the sea and air (thanks to the carriers). Canada was easily taken. I did run out of time to fully conquer the US. I would estimate that I was 1 to 3 turns away from the US surrender when the 1947 game end came.

From reading the posts, there are clearly several other ways to win. My decision just happened to be to make sure Russia was beat first. In my game, D-Day came at a time Russia was already very weak. So I was able to devote a lot of axis strength to crush it. The last Allied troops in France were destroyed at about the same time Russia was surrendering. I'm still fairly new to the game, but I am finding that for me, the Allied side is the harder to play well. Either side you play, in the end, it seems that the game will be won, lost or a draw based on the results of the Russian front and the Russian strength when D-Day comes. ;)

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I'm still fairly new to the game, but I am finding that for me, the Allied side is the harder to play well.
Two weeks ago I would agree but not after some games I think both sides have similar strength. The game is balanced very well. On each side your strategy is very different. As the Allies you can play the Dutch gambit and hold France until Russia enters war. Without France and England Germany normally will fall. Or you can abandon France early so save your troops and make a counter offensive with US andd English troops when Germany concentrates their troops in the east.

Either side you play, in the end, it seems that the game will be won, lost or a draw based on the results of the Russian front and the Russian strength when D-Day comes.
You are absolutly right!


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See the Forum "Help with the Axis" to which I've copied all the entries of this forum in an effort to keep related info in a minimum of forums so it's more organized and easier to find. It would help if new postings on this topic were made to the "Help with the Axis" Forum now instead of being added here. That way it's all in one spot.

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