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NewDFDR: Future Pale Pack Preview #2

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No, I haven't been hibernating in this hot, dry Aussie winter (in Perth at least!)

Yes, I have been busy modding my life away! ;)

So here's a preview of what will soon be available from the www.DFDR.net site..

:eek: Yup........ DFDR'd Shermies :D (wid da usual "massive respect" to any modders out there who may recognise parts of their own base mods within these units - YOU know who you are - so claim your fame here!)


Hey Club ......... when will that PP#3 be ready for download?? I also need a list of contained units to make up a content piccy.....



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Hi Adam .........

Maybe the Abrams will make it into CM8 ;) .......

Simon ...... heh .... good one :D .

I think I am developing rickets from lack of sunlight produced vitamin D!! :eek: Hmmm .. but maybe I am getting enough "Desert" rays from my PC monitor to compensate!! lol


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Hey Jeff

I can't wait for those Sherms to hit my HD.

So what is in the works for upcoming DFDR mods?

Six more weeks and I graduate, then back to my mods. :D

College can be such a drag, but in long run it is worth it.


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