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scrounging the battlefield

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yes this is a dead horse, but im going to kick it anyway! on of the only nice points of the game "close combat" was that you could move over dead bodies and "scrounge" for weapons when your ammo was out. i know CM doesnt model where the bodies are, and i know that CM2 is going to have a new system for modeling "ammo". but will there be a way to scrounge the battlefield for ammo? not that you would have to be over a "body", but an abstract calculation that would allow you to get above the "low" ammo once youve reached that point. most battles are short enough that this does not become annoying, but in a 90 round battle, "low" or "0" seems to be on everyone after 40 turns!

another question: will CM2 keep track of automatic weapons ammo separate from rifle ammo? will it run out as fast? just curious, or im just trying to fill this forum with endless questions!! smile.gif

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Much requested feature, not possible due to engine limitations. However, it is modelled to some degree, in that squads never run out of ammo, they just reduce their rate of fire.

The number of units of ammo will vary depending on the type of squad in CM2. SMG-heavy squads will get less than rifle-heavy squads. This is as far as the detail will go.

Expect more after the engine rewrite (post CM2).

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This must be a popular subject, I saw a similar thread at the GIC forum. Interesting but seemingly more apt for comic books, Arnold Schwartzeneger, and other last stand heroics.

I am sure that if you were in a foxhole with a dead man you would scrabble for whatever came to hand if you ran out of ammo, but carrying stuff along on the off chance that you might need it is unlikely. Hand grenades or other easily portable weapons maybe, but not likely a second rifle or a MG to haul along with your other stuff.

If anything this seems more suited to a individual/sub-squad sized/oriented game. Not really a needed feature in a squad game where ammo is assumed to be shared over the whole unit.

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