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CM2, what's the right price for T-34, any guestimates?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Roborat:

I don't worry about the number of rounds carried when I consider the value of a tank. I consider myself lucky if I get off 5 rounds before my tank is killed. tongue.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

lol! That's pretty good. Me on the other hand I tend to worry about ammo loadouts, especially for my Tigers. I can already see a future CM2 situation: My Tiger IE with only 5 rounds of AP left but 4 T-34/85's are coming with a vengeance, and 3 turns left in the battle. Better hope you've got I've got an elite/Wittman-type of crew.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Warmaker:

lol! That's pretty good. Me on the other hand I tend to worry about ammo loadouts, especially for my Tigers. I can already see a future CM2 situation: My Tiger IE with only 5 rounds of AP left but 4 T-34/85's are coming with a vengeance, and 3 turns left in the battle. Better hope you've got I've got an elite/Wittman-type of crew.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

In that case, you'll love the IS-2. Only 28 rounds but they pack a real punch. They can more than hold their own against the Panther and Tiger

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Warmaker:

Yeah, the IS-2 will be a much harder nut to crack. It'll be a nice change from the Western soda cans but the IS-2 has a slow ROF. I'll be happy to trade more shots with the reliable 75/88mm guns. Or with my 128mm Jagdtiger.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

IS-2's rate of fire does suck but, it's pretty well armored so it can take several direct hits and keep on ticking. It is designed as a heavy breakthrough tank so it wouldn't be very good if it could be knocked out easily. I think I'll bring up my ISU-152 to handle Jagd varients of the panther or tiger. That thing is supposed to just rip the turret off the German cats (although I have heard the IS-2 being able to do that as well even if the shot didn't penetrate the hull/turret). I can't wait for this CM2 to come out.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Robert Mayer:

I think the reason for having a rarity-based point system _as an option_ is for those of us who want quick-battle flexibility, and historical fidelity. We want quick, random battles that will more or less resemble an "average" or at least "feasible" encounter on the WWII battlefield, rather than a battle balanced purely for game purposes but lacking any sort of historical equilibrium.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I agree. I like to play QBs against the AI. When I do, I try to simulate some sort of "typical" or "average" battle. I use the scenario editor for the extraordinary stuff like a Villers Bocage or something.

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