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Try ro set your virtual memory to

minimum: 512MB

maximum: 512MB

you can find a line in one of the ini files:


below it add the following lines, so it

looks like this




I haven't read all the posts, so sorry if I did not write anything new.

One more thing: use win98, 2000 is very slow

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I think this problem has something to do with DMA and MB chipset and drivers. I have seen this kind of stuttering with other games also. This could be somekind of DirectX related problem and so it could related to DX optimization, but I don't know exactly where, becouse I have so little experiences on DX programming (I am just guessing these things). If BTS could optimize code littlebit so all used textures could be located in memory (If it is possible with DX) so we could test if it is working better.

Try to turn off swapfile, you don't need too much swap space since you got lot's of memory, this is only guessing, but good to try this also.

My machine is working better after I bought PIII 650 not so stuttering as with Celeron 450 but still there is little bit HW access even when I have 192 MB of memory.

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When I first began playing CMBO I encountered a similar problem of "stuttering" during playback. I have not been able to cure it, but only reduce the effect. I found that by putting my McAfee Viruscan into standby mode, it improved the performance noticeably. My system isn't as powerful as the one described here, it is only a PIII/450 with 256M ram, and a 32Meg GeForce MX card.

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