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Seriously annoying bug ...

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Or is it a feature ... ?

Dismounting from HT's or other vehicles is extremely hard to time properly with the movement of your vehicles. That is, i can't give my men orders to dismount at the beginning of a turn, while at the same time ordering my vehicles to move too, even when i put in a generous pause order for the vehicles. My men stay mounted until the vehicles finish their movement orders! Crazy!

Here's and example:

I had a platoon mounted on trucks. I paused the trucks for 30 seconds (add to that another 13 seconds for the regular exp level), then ordered them to move away. Also, i ordered my troops to dismount while the trucks were sitting still, and they had a delay of 13 seconds. Now, that left 30 seconds for my men to dismount, which is more than enough, usually. But, my men didn't dismount! They sat around until the trucks moved to their new positons, THEN the men dismounted within about 5 seconds! Feature? I think not ...

I'm sure someone has noticed this one a long time ago, and it's not *all* that serious, but i'd really like to have the dismounting thing here working properly for those times where every second counts.


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as long as the vehicle has movement orders, aint no one moving out...



Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

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That's very interesting because I do what you have described all the time and the troops dismount immediately, before the paused vehicle starts its movement. Perhaps it's something specific with what you did or your situation I don't know. Contrary to what russellmz posted, I have never had any problem dismounting troops from a vehicle with movement orders.

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When you dismount, always dismount right next to the vehicle, somewhere close.

If your dismount point is a good distance away from the mounted vehicle, the passengers will stay mounted, even with vehicles paused. They are waiting for the vehicle to approach close to the dismount point.

So try it out. Pause the vehicle, plot it to move, and at the same time, plot the passenger to dismount right next to the vehicle. Then plot the passenger to move away. Turn vehicles off if the "embark" keeps happening when you try to dismount close.

After following the above, I've ceased having dismount problems. See if it works for you.

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doh! hate posting wrong info, specially since i put it in the faq...



Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

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Originally posted by kump:


When you dismount, always dismount right next to the vehicle, somewhere close.

If your dismount point is a good distance away from the mounted vehicle, the passengers will stay mounted, even with vehicles paused. They are waiting for the vehicle to approach close to the dismount point.

So try it out. Pause the vehicle, plot it to move, and at the same time, plot the passenger to dismount right next to the vehicle. Then plot the passenger to move away. Turn vehicles off if the "embark" keeps happening when you try to dismount close.

After following the above, I've ceased having dismount problems. See if it works for you.

Thanks, gonna go try this one out right now ...


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