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Pavement and Slope BUG

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I am playing v1.12 and the readme txt says that:

"Roads are never considered "slopes", in order to make mapbuilding easier and avoid the problem of vehicles not being able to traverse *roads* on steep grades"

In the QB I am playing now, there is pavement on a slope in a village. My tanks cannot move onto this pavement (road) because it says it is a SLOPE when I try to move along it. Dirt roads work fine on slopes, it comes up as road, but PAVEMENT is still coming up as a SLOPE preventing tanks from moving along it.

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Pavement is not a road. There are dirt roads (brown) and paved road (grey/black). Both are traversable by vehicles even if they appear to be on a slope. It is funny to watch a tank go up a 75 degree incline. However, pavement is not a road in CM and is subject to the slope limitation.

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