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Is this Strange?

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A PBEM Quick Battle: 2000 points, I'm the German attacker. Both sides can choose only regular and veteran troops. The following things have happened so far:

1) A bazooka hits my Hunting Puma at 140m, on what looks like its second shot.

2) In the same turn, my Puma hits a Sherman Croc, scores a "Front Hull Penetration" but does no damage. This penetration doesn't knock out the gun, doesn't immobilize - nothing. The Croc fires its MG later that turn, so apparently no shock.

3) Several turns later, a bazooka hits my stationary PzIVH at 180m on the first shot. The bazooka team is killed shortly thereafter and verified to be regular.

Maybe I'm just confused on how accurate bazookas are, but I thought they dropped down to about 5% outside of 100-120m. And I don't think I've ever seen a no-damage tank penetration. Maybe there's something special about the Croc.

Both of the turns in question were generated by my opponent.

Is it just me, or am I extraordinarily unlucky in this battle?

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My son sometimes fields Regular bazooka teams that shoot like William Tell. He even scored a hit/kill at close to 200 meters once.

The penetrations with "No serious damage" I have seen several times. I enjoy it when it happens to me and curse it when it happens to my opponent. I also had a Bazooka team hit the side of a MKIV twice when I pulled it out from a building, both hits were "Side hull penetrations with no serious damage". That Mark IV reversed back to the flank cover of the building and survived the battle!

Just bad luck L.

[This message has been edited by Abbott (edited 03-22-2001).]

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One common poker line that always gets a laugh out of me is "If I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all."

In my first PBEM game I had a StuG positioned next to a light building while my opponent had a Cromwell on the opposite side of the building and perhaps 100 meters away. He targeted the building. The building blows apart, and his Cromwell shifts its fire to a distant German squad! My StuG targets and kills the Cromwell. My good luck that turn essentially won the game.

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