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Clarification on previous post.

Russian APBC does not have armor piercing cap that increases penetration against face-hardened armor (and reduces homogeneous penetration), APBC has windshield to reduce air resistance.

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Rexford, hi,

With regard to the penetration of the IS2 122 against the Panther glacis you have confirmed what I posted on another thread.

The AP round was developed before the APBC round and could not penetrate the Panther’s glacis without some luck.

However, the APBC round, introduced May/June 44 could do the job even against the Panther’s glacis at most ranges.

All the best,


PS. When I buy from other small organisations in the States, I live in the UK; it is always done with an International Money Order. However, you will have to investigate what banking charges this adds at your end and add it to the price for overseas buyers like me. The fact is that that there is no cheap way of doing this if you are not set up to deal with credit cards, and that will not be worth the expense to you.

What is very important is that you have airmail post to overseas available, again it will cost people like me but surface is unbearably slow.

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The interesting thing about Russian AP is that 85mm, 100mm, 122mm and 152mm had it, 45mm and 76.2mm did not, based on drawings and data on The Russian Battlefield.

85mm AP and APBC seem to have both been common, same for 122mm. Maybe they decided to continue the AP lines after APBC was started due to a variety of factors, including more expensive APBC.

Have you ever seen any Russian tactical advice regarding "use AP at short range, APBC at longer ranges" due to benefits from ballistic cap. If this was used in practice, and I made that doctrine up for discussion purposes, then 122mm AP would bounce off Panther at many ranges while APBC that could penetrate stayed in racks.

It is also possible that one could not decide which ammo they would receive, if AP trucks made it thru Luftwaffe attacks you got AP, or APBC, or nothing but HE (which seems to have been used against some Panthers, welds cracked or glacis shattered when hit by 152mm HE).

Do you know anything about this sort of thing?

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