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Soviet OOB near Tarnopol, April 1944

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9th SS attempt to relieve the Fester Platz Tarnopol (today Ternopol, I believe), was stopped by elements of the following divisions:

135th Rifle Division

148th Rifle Division

1st Guards Artillery Division

68th Guards Rifle Division

52nd Guards Tank Brigade

Probably elms 302nd Rifle Division.

Fighting under 60th Army at this stage, I believe. It is likely that 52nd Guards Tank Brigade came from 1st Tank Army.

Assuming you are talking about the relief attempt from 15-17th April 44.

9th SS was split into Group Bittrich (GOC 9th SS), with the infantry elements, attacking north into 135th Rifle Division, to secure the northern flank. This attack kicked off late, warning the Soviet defenders of what was up.

The armoured elements were commanded by Heer Colonel Friebe, commander of the Panzerregiment of 8. Panzerdivision. This was done because in the view of Balck (GOC XXXXVIII. Panzerkorps) and Rauss (GOC 4. Panzerarmee), Bittrich was not performing as divisional commander, and could not be trusted to carry out the important armoured attack. The armoured thrust along the Horodyscze TO Chodaczkow Wk. TO Poczapince road failed against the ATG wall erected by 1st Guards Artillery Division. A later attempt along the railway line to the south from Chodaczkow Wk. TO Ostrow failed at Seredyniki.

The whole shambles cost 9th SS 1,200 men and 18 tanks. Bittrich only survived the affair because Balck and Raus thought it would be too difficult to get him removed, due to his special status as SS divisional commander.

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Wow, nice stuff, thanks a lot Andreas :cool:

Acutally I'm creating a scenario inspired of a SPWWII battle where elements of the 9th SS-Pz attacks the bridge at Horodyszcze (A brigde belonging to what was called Rollbahn IV, I suppose).

According to some history books this attack was launched on the first day of that relief attempt : the 11th April, so in my opinion the 1st Guards Artillery Division and reserve Guards elements are not implicated in this battle.

Taking into account these informations, I suppose 1 reinfofced company of the 148th Rifle Div. was occupying Horodyszcze on 11th April, is it right ?


ps : Does it exist Websites upon Soviet (and maybe all countries) OOBs of Divisions, etc ... like on www.skalman.nu ?

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Horodyscze is quite far south of Rollbahn 4. It is on the Tarnopol TO Kozowa road. The bridge was blown at this time.

The armoured elements of 9th SS led this attack (30 Panzer IV, 30 Stugs). They managed to take the bridge site against a very heavy defense, and two pioneer platoons managed to establish a small bridgehead that had to be relinquished in the face of growing pressure later in the day. This was not reported up to divisional command, and led to false planning for the next day's attack. The verdict that came out of this on the middle ranking leadership of 9th SS was 'a shocking lack of tactical understanding', leading to 'failure to execute attack orders', and lack of training in artillery and air co-operation.

It is quite likely that the defending Soviet formation was 135th Rifle Division.

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Alright I'll have to do some changes to make this scenario looking more historical.

Of course, it implies 2 platoons of pioneers to cross the river (the Wosuska ?). I'll represent that by putting some "deep fords" at some places.

Horodyszcze was just a big village wasn't it ? Maybe it was defended by no more than a reinforced bataillon of intantry I think.

On 11th April I consider ground muddy. Is it plausible ?


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Yes, from the map I am looking at it looks like a big village. The ground would be mud, or deep mud. The Soviets should have a lot of artillery, both direct and indirect. They had expected the attack, and were prepared for it. On the 15th, the German Feindlagekarte shows the 135th RD in place, with 8 identified heavy, and a 3 medium, and one light battery supporting the defence.

The river is the Wosuszka indeed.

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with 8 identified heavy, and a 3 medium, and one light battery supporting the defence.

Gasp :eek: I hope this is for the whole division and not for the defense at Horodyszcze alone.

In that case, I think it should be a very interesting scenario. Maybe they had one on-call 152mm and 2 122mm in indirect support, with 76mm guns in the village itself.

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