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How will the increase in Soviet troop quality be handeled ?

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I know that early war soviet troops will have some command and control handicaps .I agree that early war soviets prob should have some delays to account for lack of training and lack of radios in tanks .But as the war goes on I thinks these should disapear .Late war Guards Tank troop should not have a command and control handicap .

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I don't know how they are planning on doing it, but I've made a suggestion in the past that I think is flexible enough to handle the change. For what it is worth, I will go over my suggestion again.

The idea is each side gets a pool of "command points" every turn. The number of these is some low integer - 2, 3 something like that. The player can assign the command points to his HQs - 1 cp means 1 HQ is "fully active" that turn - say, right click on them and select an assignment pull-down, however the interface works. Any unit with a red command line to a fully active HQ, takes new orders completely normally, just like now.

Orders given to units with a red line to a fully active HQ are restricted. They can either use a "group move" or "individual move". The group move is in some ways an exception to the rest.

Group move means the HQ moves (only that one walking speed) toward any waypoint, and the rest of the units commanded also move in parallel, right alongside. A group move can be given to units without an HQ "fully active". This lets less commanded units maneuver in simple ways, and especially before contact, without needing command points.

On individual move, orders can be given normally, but without the fully active in command, the command delay is doubled.

So there is still full ability to intervene and give orders. But the ability to react rapidly is restricted by command points.

Loss of the A-0 HQ on a side permanently reduces the command points per turn by 1. If it is panicking (or worse), they are temporarily reduced by 1.

If command points equal or exceed the number of HQs present, all automatically get one assigned and things are just like now.

Vehicles are not affected. (Unless they come up with vehicle leader rules, or something).

The advantage of the system is that it allows any degree of "reaction", especially for larger forces. A company with 5 HQs and only 1 command point, would react quite slowly to orders, especially if the unit quality wasn't great, or the men are pinned etc. (From those doubled command delays). They could still walk around. But complicated orders would only be acted on quickly by a platoon at a time.

Raise the cps to 4 and most of the company can react normally almost all the time.

I don't claim all the edges of this idea are smoothed out, but it might give some idea of the sorts of solutions that should be available. I have no idea if they will use something like it, or something entirely different.

As I say, for what it is worth...

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