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3-D Views of Vehicles

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I've done very little 3-D graphics programming and I would like to know how, in CM, the bitmaps for vehicles are wrapped together to give a 3-D model. Is it done by standard DirectX API calls or by code developed internally by BTS and thus not in the public domain?

My reason for asking is that I'm writing a mod-manager( mainly for myself but if it ever gets finished (!) and folk want it I'd happily give it away). Using this mod-manager individual bitmaps may be selected, ie a hull from Mod Pack X and a turret from Mod Pack Y and I would then like to render the selected bitmaps in 3-D.


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hey that would be cool for mod makers if you could make this third party program so when we are making new vehicle mods and stuff to fire up the puppy to see how the progress is going instead of firing up cm everytime to see if a pattern fits or somefink. call it Mod viewer or somefink

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