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DFDR New Allied Armour Mods Preview

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Thanks for the feedback Michael.

The latest scheme sure does look good on my monitor! No flickering of the ground tiles either after I reduced the 'speckling'. Very easy on the eye I must say...


I'll wait for a few more comments/votes before plunging onwards with overhauling all my DFDR mods to date, complete with a new ground tile set!! :D



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Ok guys...........

Looks like enough support is forthcoming for me to continue with the DFDR camo conversion based on the tan/cream color scheme.

Sigh ........ long nights ahead!!!


I'll release batches of .bmp's as they become available. Stay tuned......



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Jeff, as always good work. I like it much better than my original.

LeBlaque, I hope you do get the desert mod. Clubfoot and I spent a great deal of time on it and AussieJeff is improving that work. To let you know there are now about 35 new scenarios available for gaming. That should keep you busy for a while.


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Hey Jeff your new stuff looks great!

I just recently started with the DFDR desert coversion. I have been playing desert style for only, a little more than a week.

I must say, I am totally addicted.

So I was wondering when will your new DFDR stuff be out?

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Hi there.....!!

Thanks Mike and Club smile.gif !

Your continuing support and comments are much appreciated.

And to Shatter and everyone else, expect packages of the new DFDR "goodies" to become available every few days or so - as soon as I can complete a batch to my satisfaction, I'll post 'em off to Logan at www.DFDR.net - coz' I know how hard it is to go CM cold turkey for too long!!! :D

Cheers, I'm off to the

paintshop ... again!! :rolleyes:

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