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CM2 idea, voluntarily abandoning your vehicle/weapon

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What about this, your crew can voluntarily

abandon its weapon or vehicle (you'd want

to do this if you aren't under fire but you

know that you'll be screwed if you wait

around). This is kinda like scuttling.


1.) Vehicle/weapon is disabled/destroyed

2.) Crews are not shaken

3.) Crews have better firepower and ammo.

Note this kind of abandoning couldn't be done

while under fire (i.e. you can't just leisurely abandon your Sherman when a Panther is about to brew you up)

I guess the issue is how to determine if a successful abandoning takes place if you suddenly become under fire that turn.

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I started this Thead on this very issue:



I know we have talked about this one before...


I just lost a VERY brave crew who refused to abandon their mount in the face an overwhelming infantry


It was only an M8 Greyhound but they were heroes DAMN IT! Their vehicle became immobilized after

taking out a hezter and two half tracks and a Wespe. I tell you they were heroes! No crew casualites

suffered, but I could not save them because they were too far forward and immobilized beside a large

light building that was CRAWLING with infantry. They KO'd all the AFV's in range, (mostly one shot

hits) and when they got immobilized they had time to bail out, but they hung in there until they got

taken out by a 'shreck and then they bailed out and then they were uncerimoniously mowed down, I felt

for them I REALLY did.

Please please, Let us order our crews to bail out before the AI if we need to save them.

IT was a GREAT battle kicked the AI's butt and only had 7 KIA at the end, 4 of them were that brave

crew, mowed down as they abandoned.

OR even this in that situation they could have surrenedered perhaps

Do AFV crew ever abandon AND surrender to save their own hides? I don't think so. (I'm not sure

about this one) They always abandon then usually get all shot up. In CM2 can we see AFV crews

surrender when their immobilized AFV is surrounded?

Sorry I just had to rant....

-tom w"

There are other responses in the rest of the thread.

-tom w

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