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Victory Conditions for Operations/Battles

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In designing a self-made operation, and in another thread in the tips and techniques section, I've noticed that the victory conditions are rather inflexible, especially with regards to operations. Thought I would throw out some suggestions and see where the discussion goes.

In addition to the assault/advance/destroy conditions, I would like to see some additions -

a) victory based solely on exiting x number of men (or even x number of "tanks" with functioning main armament, ala ASL)

B) having x number of "good order" men on the map (or a portion of the map) at game end

c) base victory on the destruction of certain types of units - ie destroying artillery pieces (such was the object of the Commando Raids at Dieppe, for example), destorying infantry squads, or gun-armed tanks

d) a function of AND and a function of OR - in other words, victory can be assured in more than one way

ie - the Allied player must exit 200 men OR secure two victory flags to win such-and-such scenario - this would create interesting dilemmas for both defender and attacker - defend the map edge, and then have to fight for the victory flags because you defended too far back - or spread out over the flags and risk the enemy punching a hole in your thin line and scooting through

a second example - the German player must secure three victory flags AND have more "good order" men located in a certain area of the map than the enemy

I'd like to see "victory zones" allocated in much the same way as set up zones.

I'd like to see multiple cases which can be preselected - ie have more "good order" infantry squads in victory zone 1 AND either a) possess more victory flags on the entire map OR B) destroy more gun-armed tanks than you lose

I can see many reasons not to do all of this, but thought I would throw it out - a good point has been made in another thread about real estate being quite important, and I found the VC in the Operation editor not able to effectively model the intent of a historical unit I was trying to portray.


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I am waiting for the realism camp to come on and explain why this can't be done.

Actually, from a super-realism point of view it might be neat for only the attacker to know what the victory conditions are. Or for both sides to have different conditions of victory. Quite often a defender in real life had no idea if the enemy was attacking in force, trying to capture terrain, trying to breakthrough, simply probing, or demonstrating as a diversion to a "real" attack somewhere else.

Take the latter case - what would "victory" be for a company sized demonstration that was merely a diversion? In real terms, drawing attention away from the real attack. IN game terms, for the attacker, it would be for the attacker to survive with say 75% of his forces while at the same time spotting say 75% of the enemy's forces. (That is another set of VC one can add to my list - simply spotting x number of enemy units - which would simulate the goals of recce/recon missions).

For the defender, though, victory would hinge on destroying x number of enemy squads - or simply hanging on to the terrain he has.


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