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CM: The Nomandy Campaign - Call for Players (disgustingly long)

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Guest Rex_Bellator

Just another vote for the 'lets get going' group. I don't think that battling across hyper-accurate maps is the main reason we all wanted to be involved in this project.

Of course if L4Pilot really wants the maps right then I'm sure we'll be happy to wait, it's his baby.


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Originally posted by L4Pilot:

Tracking performance to determine attribute increases is beyond me, I think. I can't think of any objective standards that would apply. And medals? Well, the same thing is true.

Perhaps Michael Dorosh will act as the commendations and awards committee. Maybe players should write up "recommendations" for conspicuous bravery, and let him hand out the appropriate awards.

How's that sound?

See my page at


This is purely optional and if anyone wanted to do either Part of this "on the side" it might add some flavour. Either way, it shouldn't, as was pointed out elsewhere, detract from the meat of the campaign or add to L4Pilot's burden. I wouldn't want to be the sole member of such a committee, any other volunteers are free to contact me, or perhaps all interested parties could simply act by consensus.

See the bottom-most image - if anyone wanted to do this, I would be happy to set up a webpage with uniform images like that one, one per player, with a set of stats for each player as well - we'd be able to keep a running watch on how the others are doing. I could include maps and other info as directed by L4Pilot, unless he has alread planned something similar.

If the possibility exists of two of us meeting in head to head play, however, we might want to break it down into two seperate websites to keep the "enemy" stats and personal attributes hidden.

EDIT - I would also provide regimental and branch of service insignia on the uniform graphics to provide an extra personal touch, as required.

[This message has been edited by Michael Dorosh (edited 02-15-2001).]

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Citizen, is right. This is your prototype, keep it simple first time out. All these major's are more than players, they are resources too. Dont be shy in using them to make this concept even better.

The Fallschirmjager vote, "Go".


"The Legitimate object of war is a more perfect peace."

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