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Hey Mac folk: Here's a way to make CM movies

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Snapz Pro 2 by Ambrosia allows you take screenshots (It takes over the Apple shortcuts with a nicer interface and allows you to choose formats other than PICT) and it lets you save QT movies of what is going on on your screen, allowing you to save your movies and later link them together (IF you have a video editor app of some sort)

I've used this application for a while with apps other than CM, and the quality of the movies isn't bad, but it helps to have a faster machine, plus it might have some problems with 9.1


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Reverendo, you can set the quality of the movie you want to capture to save space.

Ideally you would record at high quality, then run it through Media Cleaner ($$$) to achieve max quality/compression.

You can download the shareware Snapz Pro from Versiontracker.com, it's worth the shareware fee if you take a lot of screen shots and are tired of converting the PICTs to GIF & JPEG


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I've tried Snapz Pro 2 with little sucess. Not that I havent been able to record a CM movie, but the quality has been, horendus. There are a few optimizing procedures that did not follow, mainly out of laziness. Those procedures are, disabling the tcp/ip control panel, and a few other I cannot remember.

The quality I got from recording a simple 20 second film of two stugIII's moving out, I would say was of very low framerates. I tried this in sorenson and in video, with low or little sound.

Also, I was unfrotunatly unable to move the position of the game camera while recording.

I will try this again sometime when I have the patience and the time.

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