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Feature Request: More options for hills, trees, etc.

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I've noticed that everyone seems to use the "Medium" and "Moderate" choices about 99% of the time for trees and hills when playing games. This is for good reason since anything else usually doesn't provide the needed tree cover or the needed elevation difference in making a battlefield that provides a wealth of places to hide and sneak around on.

I'd like to suggest for a future patch and in CM2 that more options be given to the Quick Battle makers. I think 2-3 more options would be good for both the Tree and Hill category. If BTS could throw in 2 more degrees of "medium" and "moderate" it would really make the QB's that much more fun to play.

P.S.--Yes, I know you can be extremely specific to both hills and trees by making your own map...but as great as that editor is, I don't find myself with enough time to make my own maps due to its complexity. This is why as far as the QB's go, having more options in each category would be a good thing for the rest of us.


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BUMP. Lemme add on to this and say that I just started a PBEM right now and opted for large hills. I did this because modest hills provides a few elevation changes but I wanted something a little more.

What me and my opponent got was a bunch of canyons and overlooks from everywhere on the map. It's basically overkill.

Please BTS, add a few more options to both hills and trees so we have more control over the terrain. It would really add to what's already a great game.


Youth is wasted on the young.

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