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Need PBEM Games!

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Hey all,

Ok this week at work has really sucked, and I am very much looking for some relaxation this weekend! I am currently fresh out of PBEM games, having just finished repulsing Airborne in a little showdown in the snow.

I would love to see some setups in my email this evening if anyone is looking for a game. Any size, any forces. I would prefer QBs or a set scenario over any weirdness (i.e. racetracks, etc..). Also, I am a PBEM Operation virgin, and I wouldn't mind trying one out if someone is so inclined!

Also, I am signed up on the Tournament House ladder and have yet to play anyone from it. If there are members looking to drop a few places in the standing, I'm your guy! wink.gif



What the hell is a Jagdcarcajou?

CM Recon

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Count me in, Jagdcarcajou! I'll send you a set-up when I get home from work tonight. I'm not on the Tournament House ladder, but I am on the Rugged Defense list. Look for me near the bottom... smile.gif


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Well, I would... if my cd-rom didn't decide to crap out and decide to lose it's drivers. If I can manage to get Win98 to recognize my cd-rom again tonight (for some reason it won't), I'll send a setup to you <g>.


"Mo matter where you go, there you are"

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