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New AAR!!: Red Army China Team versus England Team

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Hi folks.

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Bates vs MantaRay (Red Army China Team)


I purchased the following: 1 x Regular Infantry Company, 2 x Veteran Infantry Platoons, 2 x Regular H8 HMCs, 1 x Regular M4 Sherman, 1 x Regular Hellcat, 2 x Regular Jacksons, 2 x Regular 76mm AT guns, 2 x Regular 57mm AT guns, 3 x Regular M3 Halftracks, 1 x Regular Greyhound, 1 x Regular 81mm Arty Spotter.

The game was a 2,000 point Meeting Engagement, damp ground, set in January 1945.


Far left. Jackson on overwatch, halftrack towing a gun, Sherman, and an infantry platoon (click to enlarge)


Middle. Another Jackson, two halftracks full of infantry, 76mm AT gun, and to the left of that is an 81mm arty spotter and some 81mm on board mortars. Note: my reserve platoon is the middle left of this picture. Look carefully and you'll see the Hellcat on the far right (click to enlarge)


Far right. Couple of AT guns, infantry and a Greyhound ready to scarper up the right flank (click to enlarge)


The flags. The flag in the village MUST be captured, especially since the flag in the woods looks to be a tricky prospect. Note the tall light building to the south of the village flag (click to enlarge)

This choice of units is fairly well balanced, except perhaps for lack of artillery and more AFVs than usual.


Turn one is eventful. Manta loses a Stug to my rightmost 76mm AT gun. My central 76mm AT gun also trades a few shots with another Stug, but ends the turn panicked. I spot a Stug to my left but none of my AT weapons have LOS as yet. His infantry is running into the village from mostly the middle of the map. I lose a couple of mortars to Stug fire, but generally this is a very good start for me.

Turn two is equally successful: a Jackson hunts, gains LOS of the leftmost Stug, and after treading shots finally knocks the Stug out. that's two enemy AFVs down already! My 57mm AT gun on the left disembarks and moves slowly to the top of the hill. My infantry platoon on the right briefly glimpses a Stug on Manta's left, but the infantry hide before they can get a good look at it. My infantry have ran into the church suffering no casualties. This is good.

I plan to keep my M8 HMCs hidden until I have won the AFV battle, then they can get to pounding Manta's infantry. My Greyhound has also begun its little trip along the right of the map :)

Turn three: the Jackson which knocked out a Stug now spots the other Stug in the middle of the map. It gets off a shot but the Stug races down into the village before the Jackson can fire any more.

The halftracks loaded with infantry drive into the village safely. One of my 76mm AT guns pounds some buildings which Manta might move his infantry in to.

Meanwhile my Hellcat fast moves to cover beside a house, and then has good LOS of the flag in the woods. To my left the other M3 Halftrack scouts.

Turn four is one of my favourites of the whole game: The 57mm AT gun on my left, having disembarked, comes under enemy infantry fire. Despite this it gains LOS of the central Stug, and with inches to spare between the enemy AFV and the cover of a building the anti tank gun kills the stug with its first shot!! I feel sure that I can win this game with my overwhelming AFV superiority.

I know where Manta's remaining AFV is, and hopefully the Greyhoung will take care of it.

While this is happening I waste some 81mm arty fire in the woods of the flag. My infantry consolidate in the village.


Little happens in turn five: a Jackson gets ready to hunt up and over a hill, hopefully to kill the remaining Stug, while the Greyhound continues to wheel around the flank of the Stug. With these odds I can get the vital last AFV kill. Manta's infantry is fairly quiet but I am concious of the fact that he is well established in the north west of the village. the Sherman coasting the hill will have to make use of its 74 HE rounds!! :)

Turn six starts with disaster: that hunting Jackson on the left is kncoked out by Manta's remaining Stug! But then the white knight arrives in the shape of the Greyhound!

The Greyhound swings around the Stug's flank and nails the bastard with its first shot. Hooray! No more enemy AFVs!!!!

To recap, on my right an infantry platoon is about to occupy the tall light building. In the middle I have two infantry platoons occupying the village, with a third reserve platoon hiding in the church. Manta pounds the village with 81mm arty but casualties are light. One halftrack is lost. On my left, the infantry platoon is doing nothing at all. I decide to leave it for now. The Sherman has perfect LOS of the village and proceeds to destroy the large heavy building, with the help of other AFVs and guns. I have an M8 HMC in the middle of the village in support, and another to my right. that's pretty much the overall picture right now.

Turn seven starts with a scare. Manta has successfully manouevered an infantry platoon to attack my left, but can I hold? the 57mm AT gun can't do much. I will have to deal with this interruption to the good news in turn eight.

My right flank starts to shape up. An M8 HMC and the Greyhound are moving into position to support the infantry platoon.

In the middle I have a couple of AFVs on overwatch... the hlaftrack is the middle, having survived Manta's arty, dashes to the rear to pick up two machine gun crews. I plan to move these machine guns into the village to overlook the rightmost flag.

As you can see from the screenshots, Manta's arty has been intensive - three spotters? - but the most casualties I suffer to a single squad are 4 out of 12, and in even this case they hang on to their best.

Even though it is turn seven, morale is at 91%.

In turn eight I get a nasty shock: Manta's attack on my left is using Fallschirmjager infantry. I now plan to retreat all my forces on the left flank.

The odds for this engagement are in my favour - we both have one infantry platoon each, plus I have one or two AFVs that can help out.

But the thought of losing the Sherman or an M8 HMC to his panzerfausts is too much. Better to retreat now with all forces intact than to engage Manta in difficult terrain.

In the village Manta appears to be withdrawing his infantry. they have taken quite a pounding, and from what I can make out he is retreating his infantry to the patch of woods behind the flag.

Right now he has more victory points but I am very happy with the way the game has gone. All my tactical choices so far have been correct!


Turn nine sees the beginning of my retreat on the left: the .50 machine gun clambers up on to the Sherman in preparation for redeployment in the village.

But what to do about the 57mm AT gun? After some thought I decide to risk the halftrack to pick up the gun and move off again.

Manta's attack on my left had caused me to move the central M8 HMC to the left: now that I am retreating the M8 can move back into the village. The look of my right flank is good. the M8 HMC there moves into a better position.

Look at the screenshots: the position of my right flank is excellent. from here I can pour firepower into Manta's infantry which attempt to occupy the flag in the woods.

I still have an infantry platoon (regular) in reserve. This will nbow move into the village, especially now that Manta has no arty left or AFV HE hitting power.

Turn ten starts badly. The 57mm AT gun on the left is knocked out by Manta's attacking infantry. the retyreat of the infantry and the Sherman however goes well.

But that still leaves the halftrack stuck in the middle of Manta's infantry.

Further bad news: Manta unleashes an infantry platoon against my right flank. He recognises the importance of that position. However, with my forces (infantry platoon in tall building, Greyhound, M8 HMC) I feel that I can hold out.

The central halftrack returns to the village with the two machine guns.

Turn eleven and I get ANOTHER surprise!!

Manta now unleashes another Fallschirmjager platoon against my right flank. Not only this, but infantry in the woods behind the flag opens up on my right flank.

As it turns out, this is Manta's major attack of the entire battle. A victory for him here would roll up my right flank completely, and also I would lose around two fifths of all my AFVs.

By looking at the screenshots you can see how I am taken by surprise. The Greyhound and M8 HMC are far too far forward, and the Hellcat is a poor anti-infantry weapon.

My position in the middle of the village has barely improved since early in the game: despite Manta's lack of arty, for some reason I did not stop the "Hide" command for the infantry esconsed in the village.

More bad news also with the destruction of the halftrack that mistakenly I ordered to rescue the 57mm AT gun. In consider this to be one of my few mistakes made during this battle.

On the bright side, the Sherman retreats from the left flank safely, and the reserve platoon is rushing into the village.

My plan at this stage is thus: to retreat my right flank safely, and in the process inflict heavy casualties in Manta's Fallschirmjager infantry. I also want to establish my infantry right upon the flag in the village, occupying the two central buildings.

Turn twelve. The retreat on my right flank has mixed consequences. On the one hand, I eliminate an enemy platoon headquarters, and also exact some casualties (I can't confirm that, but it is probable). Also, all three of the vehicles survive.

On the other hand only two infantry squads retreated form the tall light building successfully, and one of those becomes panicked. Both these squads have only suffered one casualty each. BUT one squad somehow gets stuck in the building, and is quickly set upon by an invading Fallschirmjager squad.

Manta has also committed another Fallschirmjager platoon to the attack. I estimate that I am facing an entire Fallschirmjager Company. In probability this is exactly 50% of Manta's entire infantry.

While all this is happening, the surviving halftrack has travelled down to the rear right flank. Here I have two anti tank guns, and one of them has 13 HE shells left. It's not much but anything is better than nothing. I expect to disembark the gun in a position to overlook the flag in the woods.

TURNS 13 TO 17

Turn thirteen. On the right flank the infantry squad trapped in the tall building has fled, but it is down to one man only (!) and is broken. the other two squads and the platoon HQ have gotten away a bit further to the next line of trees.

The Hellcat is covering the retreat of the M8 HMC and the Greyhound. The general plan is to consolidate at the base of the hill. the firepower of three or four AFVs plus two infantry squads may -just- be enough to turn Manta's attack back on himself.

It seems that Manta's infantry platoon on the left flank is laying low for the moment.

At this point in the AAR I would like to comment on Manta's infantry tactics, it will help you the reader to get a better picture of what he is doing. Generally he is quite prepared to split his infantry into Teams when he is attacking. He does not set up a fire base, but he seems to prefer complete surprise.

Is this through desperation or is it a true reflection of his tactics? Who knows. So far I am puzzled by his whole game strategy. Having squandered his AFVs AND comitting the cardinal sin of purchasing no AT guns, he is now reduced to flinging his infantry across the map.

I will teach him a lesson or two!! :)

In finishing the report of this turn it is worth saying that I have managed to get two infantry squads right on top of the flags in the village. Two machine guns are also providing a kind of overwatch.

While my flanks have crumbled everything else looks rosy.

Victory points are exactly 50% each.

Turn fourteen went well. On my right the situation is not quite so critical. Manta's infantry are getting slowed up on the hill, and my AFVs are in position ready to take advantage. All of my remaining 81mm artillery has been earmarked to pin down his Fallschirmjagers so that my HE fire can get to work.

The .50 machine gun gets panicked at disembarkation when within spitting distance of a building. It does not matter, he recovers later on and his placed next to the other two machine guns.

In the centre my infantry look secure. Manta has some infantry in the woods at the flag. they must be on Hide orders or something. Later I will rout these infantry with the massed power of my AFVs.

Nothing major on the left flank, just some fleeting LOS sighings of his Fallschirmjager Pioneer Platoon.

Turn fifteen brings excellent news on the right flank. Not only is the 81mm arty pinning his infantry down, but I have also sighted a couple of fleeing squads. I smell blood!!

The Greyhound had been in rather a tight spot but it has managed to reverse to safety, with an area fire command to provide cover fire.

The M8 HMC really gets stuck in, it gets away six HE shells at the attacking Fallschirmjagers. His infantry is pinned and I can take advantage big time.

To the left flank I get better sighting of his infantry. It is now obvious that he plans to rush them into the village - probably hitting the church first.

One Fallschirmjager Platoon does not sound much, but there is a serious danger that Manta could roll up my left flank bit by bit. I am close to victory and I cannot let that happen. I decide to rotate a couple of machine guns in that direction for the time being.

ALSO I have rushed two infantry squads to the building nearest to the woods. At *least* this calls into question Manta's hold on the flag. Factor in my tight grip on the village flag plus all the casualties I have inflicted and it is clear that I am heading for victory.

This is the Red Army Rugged Defense Team that is top of the ladder: there are #1. They have lost no games up to now. Could it be that I can defeat the Red Army Team?

An England win would leave a permanent scar on their record, like some malignant flesh wound festering in the sun. MUHAHAHA!!! VICTORY WILL BE MINE!!!

Turns sixteen and seventeen. Manta's infantry is in the process of being pasted into a bloody pulp. One squad runs for the woods flag but they will be crushed like a flimsy paper cup.

Sensing that the danger to my right is no longer there, I have ordered the Greyhound to speed up Manta's flank. Eventually I plan for it to rain fire down on any Fallschirmjagers inhabiting the woods.

Manta's infantry platoon on the left finally comes out of hiding but it rains into a wall of flying bullets from my machine guns.

In the middle of the village, a full strength Fallschirmjager platoon attacks my infantry platoon guarding the west of the flag. The Fallschirmjagers quickly fall back is dissarray, losing 9 men. My platoon loses only 1 man, and an M8 HMC moves in support to make sure that such German insolence never happens again.

In front of the woods flag, my Sherman hunts forwards. In the process Manta suffers casualties.

The halftrack is by now disembarking the 57mm AT gun.

NOTE: at this stage in the game Manta goes AWOL on myself and his other RD pbem opponets. The Red Army team provide me with a replacement opponent.


Turns eighteen and nineteen: little of interest is happening now.

I rushed my surviving Jackon to the village flag to provide support, and its commander gets killed. Manta moves a platoon from the rear central area of the map into the village but my now I am not worried.

By now the remnants of Manta's attack on my right are arriving in dribs and drabs in the central wooded areas.

In this uneventful part of the game I had been experimenting with the use of bazookas against enemy infantry: I'm not entirely convinced, but the blast value of 10 - with 8 rounds still left - would certainly be useful at the end of a pbem game when buildings are near to collapse.

At turn twenty I rearrange my three vehicles guarding the village flag in order to stay safe from enemy shreck rounds.

Enemy infantry on my left withdraws.

At this point in the game I am pressing my opponent to surrender. To nail home the point at turn twenty one I move the Sherman, M8 HMC and the Jackson directly in front of the woods.

While this is happening a Company HQ is moved across close to the woods. My plan is to fast move infantry squads into the woods, and the Company HQ will take command of them as they arrive.

This mixture of infantry and AFVs will be unbeatable. Obviously I hope that my opponent will surrender first!! :)

Twenty two. The tall light building adjacent to the woods flag comes under heavy HE fire from my 57mm AT gun which was moved earlier. The enemy continues to come under fire on all parts of the map. It's clear that my hold on the village flag is very strong, while at the very least I can gain control of the woods flag -or- even capture and hold it.

Sure enough, my replacement opponent surrenders.

In the end I suffered 74 casualties and Manta suffered 141. An Allied Total Victory: not bad at all!!!

I also have the honour of being the first team member at Rugged Defense to defeat the Red Army Team.

Result: England Win


P.S. :



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Hi MasterBates,

Yes indeed you managed to beat the Chinese Red Army......as you know we had some trouble with Ray and to this day we know not what happened to him. But nevertheless we tip our hat to anyone that can beat one of our team players. We are still the number one team on the ladder - and many have fallen where you succceded.

Enjoy your win while you can, because soon we shall challenge you to a rematch. I promise you it will be much harder next time ;)

By the way you dispatched Ray's armour very quickly and efficiently. Well done and a good job with the AAR. Promise me you will post the next AAR when we beat you :D


Supreme Commander of the Chinese Red ARmy

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Captitalistdoginchina:

Hi MasterBates,

Yes indeed you managed to beat the Chinese Red Army......as you know we had some trouble with Ray and to this day we know not what happened to him. But nevertheless we tip our hat to anyone that can beat one of our team players. We are still the number one team on the ladder - and many have fallen where you succceded.

Enjoy your win while you can, because soon we shall challenge you to a rematch. I promise you it will be much harder next time ;)

By the way you dispatched Ray's armour very quickly and efficiently. Well done and a good job with the AAR. Promise me you will post the next AAR when we beat you :D


Supreme Commander of the Chinese Red ARmy<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hehe well I might consider posting an AAR of a rematch I suppose! smile.gif

From what I can make our from your Red Army web site, Ray is (or was) losing to a couple of other people: in a sense it was a race to see who could beat your team first ;)

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Hi Jarmo,

Yes indeed you were the first to beat us, but the result has not been posted on the ladder??

I have stepped in as a replacement against Zhal, only 3 or 4 turns left.

In fact Manta seemed to be losing all 4 games he was playing....all 4 games have been continued with our other team members.

Bfamily33 you will be next on our list together with the other team from ?England....but we need to sort out our current problems first

We are still the best team on the Ladder



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Does anyone understand how the ladder works?

I'm trying to work out whether the ladder would work better purely on Win % percentage, or instead if it should be on the number of games drawn and won, i.e. like a sports league.

At the moment RD is like a kixture of the two.

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