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hi i am reletivly new to the game, i've only played the computer once, and played against human opponents 4 times, this is the best game, but i had a question concerning mods and download for improved rendered vehicles, if i start downloading these, will my game still be compatible with those who do not have the same mods or what not? finding this game had such a great gaming community was a nice surprise, i surf the forums everyday, aslo should i make a profile?

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Alec Magua's "Normandy" terrain is a visual feast, if you can find it. You might also want to check www.combatmission.com, which has quite a few mods broken down by category. I'm using an awful lot of Fernando's and GEM's mods from that site. Oh, and there shouldn't be compatibility issues because they only affect the user interface: either visuals (.BMPs) or sound (.wav). You might want the high-resolution mods, 'tho, for higher-density projectiles and armor ;).

[ 10-09-2001: Message edited by: Mud ]

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