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CM Quick Battle League Closed (If anyone still cares)

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As you may know if you had been looking at the league or just trying to see what was going on. Maybe you were thinking of joining (though I doubt it).

However...the league has folded. Like so many sites on the internet, what started as a good idea (or at least a few people thought so), simply didn't work out.

I was bombarded with e-mails more a non-constructive nature, than of a suggestive nature. I saw hardly no action (to start games, or to complete them) in the league. The time to keep up the site was just too much given the interest level and the actual league activity.

While, I did shut it down quickly, I did so before anyone got completing many games. If you were stuck out in the cold in the middle of game...think of it as experience for other ladders. Or...Just plain be mad. However, think about the consequences of letting the league slip downward for a few more months...That's not a pretty picture is it?

So, I learned a lot, I hope people enjoyed it while it lasted. And, chalk it up to experience!

My Sincerest Apologies,


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Hey Keith, sorry things didn't work out. I stopped playing any games because I thought this might happen. Sorry if I wasn't as supportive as I could have been. Anyway, for what it's worth, I appreciated the work you did put into it. In the end I'm glad it ended quickly instead of down the road when I would have had more time into it. I understand why you shut it down, so no hard feelings here. I hope I see you around.



"Only a madman would consider the possibility of war between the two states (France and Germany), for which, from our point of view, there is no rational or moral ground." - Chancellor Adolf Hitler, Oct. 14, 1933

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