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looking for an encirclement/fighting retreat scenario

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I'm thinking this would be cool. Start out on a large map, battalion sized forces. Allies on 3 sides with the axis holding a corridor down the middle of the map and small pockets elsewhere on the map. The objective is to get the Germans off the map with minimal casualties. The allies are obviously trying to close the circle and cut off the retreat. The Germans have to hold the circle for retreating pockets of troops then hold the corridor open for the mass withdrawal. Partway through the battle the Germans get reinforcements from the exit edge simulating the main army trying to fight through and hold open the corridor.

I want to design something like this. However, if one has already been done, then I'd like to play it. I checked out V1.08 of Harv's scenario database and did not find what I was looking for (although ASL-CM Beast at Bay sounded promising, but the ASL website hosting that scenario is gone so I can't tell).

Anyone know of such a scenario or one that is similar?


Jeff Abbott

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I have a scenario in my HD called "7 roads to Hell". It is exactly like you described, except that it's the Americans trying to escape down the corridor.

I can't remember where I got it from, perhaps CMHQ. If you can't find it e-mail me and I'll send it to you later on tonight.

Edit, here it is: http://unix.thegamers.net/depot/depot.cgi?g=31&a=scenario&scenario.scenarioID=2007

I highly recommend it.

[This message has been edited by Kingfish (edited 02-22-2001).]

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I'll have to update it to v1.1 at some point (I think I'll do it tonight), but CMHQ has my 'Buying Time' scenario up there...



The difference between infantrymen and cavalrymen is that cavalrymen get to die faster, for we ride into battle!

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