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Help with Sherman recognition?

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I have photos of the Kiwi tankers in Italy. The are driving a variety of models but the most common is one with a narrow gun mantlet. Can anyone tell me which version that is? And how does the naming system Sherman II, III, IIIc, etc match up to the M4 system?

On a different note, the 9 M10 TDs of the Kiwi 2 Div were issued to the arty unit rather than the tank units - was that a common practice?


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Without a photo it's hard to tell but I believe only the Sherman I had the narrow gun mantlet. Is the photo in a book that I could take a look at? As to what the British version of the of naming shermans I will have to check my references.


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http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/011897.html gives you the naming system.

Tank destroyers were sometimes used for indirect fire, so this may explain the Kiwi 2 div.


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But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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The narrow mantlet was used on all the early Shermans. Without a pic it's impossible to say.


M4 = Sherman I

M4A1 = Sherman II

M4A2 = Sherman III

M4A3 = Sherman IV

M4A4 = Sherman V


American 76mm gun = "A"

105mm = "B"

17 pdr = "C"



So an M4A2 with 76mm HVSS in Commonwealth service is a Sherman IIIAY


Here's a Sherman V of the Calgary Regiment getting an engine overhaul in Italy. Note the narrow gun mantlet.


Massada Lo Tipol Shenit

[This message has been edited by Forever Babra (edited 01-20-2001).]

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According to my sources in Italy we used:

Sherman Ib (M4 105)

Sherman III (M4A2)

Sherman Ic Hybrid (M4 Hybrid Firefly)

Sherman Vc (M4a4 Firefly)

Sherman Ib had a large, bulky mantlet, and Fireflies had the wide mantlet, so the odds are good that you are seeing early-build Sherman III.

Following American practice, M10s were regarded as 76mm AT guns that just happened to be self propelled. So they were issued to 7th Anti Tank Regiment. Thier role was consolidation; holding ground in conjunction with infantry after it had been taken by tanks and assualting infantry. They were not tanks, but a more mobile AT gun. From winter 1944 onwards they tended to be used more as artillery in a support role.

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